Chapter 21 Who is that?

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I quickly turn around in my seat and see my Dad and his fiancé Teresa standing at the end of our table. I jump out of my chair and run to him and hug him so tight, that I almost knock him over.

I squeeze my dad, "Dad, oh my god! Oh my god! Dad!"

I step back and hug Teresa, "What are you guys doing here?"

My dad looked at me smiling, "Well Teresa was interested in seeing Florida, and I wanted to be here to help you with getting your car and your job interview this week."

I feel tears running down my cheeks as I hug him again, "I love you Dad."

"I love you to sweetie," my dad squeezes me back and steps back.

I feel Ash's hand on my shoulder, and I look up at him, "Ash this is Dad and his fiancé Teresa."

Ash shakes my dad's hand firmly, "It is nice to meet you."

My dad looks at me then up to Ash and smiles, "It is nice to meet you as well. Hopefully Sage hasn't been causing you too much trouble."

Ash helps pull out a chair at the table for Teresa and she pats his hand, "What a gentleman, thank you so much."

My dad pulls me to the side, "So sweetie, Tryston and Trish told me you have been doing so much better. I wish you were back home but you seem like you belong here."

I take a deep breath and look my dad in his eyes, "I have been, and I may have even found love. However, I am still so scared. I am scared to fall down that rabbit hole again, my heart wouldn't be able to take that."

My dad places his hand on my shoulder and smiles, "Sage, you are my daughter. You take after your grandma and have the biggest kindest heart, and you do everything you can for people."

I nod feeling that ping in my chest again, "I know. I just don't want to screw things up."

My dad squeezed my shoulder, "Love is never easy, that's why you have communication and teamwork. When do you start your new job?"

I smile, "Well tomorrow is when I go pick up my car, and then the day after that I start training at the hospital. I am more than excited for this job opportunity!"

Ash walks up next to us, "You will make an amazing OB Nurse. You already take care of all of us so well."

My dad looks at Ash, "She will be for sure. I am going to join Teresa for the meal, and then we can talk at your place after. Is that okay?"

I smile, "Sounds great to me."

Ash kisses me on the top of the head, "I like your dad, he reminds me of you."

I giggle and head back to our spot, "Well there is a reason everyone says I take after my dad."

Ash squeezes my hand and we sit back down to place our order with the waitress. I immediately order my favorite french toast with eggs, sitting back I can't contain the smile on my face thinking of my grandpa when I eat here.

Trystan perks up and looks at Ash, "What are you doing after lunch Ash?"

Ash shrugs, "Well since Sage is going to spend some time with her dad, I was going to see if you could help me with some work on my car."

Summer pokes me as the boys go into a discussion about today's plans. I look over at her, "What's up?"

"I overheard that you are needing to get your new car tomorrow. Monday is one of my extra days off this weekend, and I talked to Elaini. Would you be up for us girls helping you go get your car tomorrow?" She chewed on her lip nervously.

I brightened up and smiled, "That would honestly be awesome, because I know Teresa and my dad are going to want to go explore. I also really need to pick up my own wheels."

Summer nodded, "I totally understand. Zach can watch Malachi tomorrow, and we can pick you up around ten. Does that work?"

I give her a small hug, "That would be a wonderful Summer. I appreciate you doing this so much. I am really blessed with some amazing friends arriving in Florida."

I look up and see our food arriving at the table. I inhale the wonderful smell of breakfast, ready for it to cure the small headache from my hangover. We dig into our breakfast, everyone seems really hungry after partying last night.

In the back of my head, I can't help but think how much we all feel like one big family sitting here. It almost feels like my new home. This safe feeling in the back of my chest, I haven't felt it since I was a little girl.

I look up at Ash and watch as he talks to everyone with ease. He doesn't complain about being here, and he is happy to be here with me.

I look at the way he is so gentle with even his food, and how he makes sure to not make a mess. I have never had anyone so respectful but also not had someone complain about being around so many people.

Ash catches me staring at him, "Everything okay baby girl? You stopped eating and you are staring at me and everyone."

I notice that Trystan looks up at me, "Yeah Sage, are you okay?"

I smile and look at both of them, "You know Trystan, for once I am not lying to you. As my best friend, I am so thankful you dragged me down here away from everything. It honestly feels like home."

Trystan and Ash smile real big and nod at me in agreement. Trish speaks up, "Well we are glad you are making this your home. Everyone at this table already wants you to be a part of it. Even your dad is becoming a part of it."

Ash squeezed my hand, "We definitely wouldn't feel like a family without you."

I blink tears away, "You guys are seriously so amazing. Thank you for everything you guys have done for me."

Wrapping up breakfast, we stand outside saying goodbye to everyone. My dad informs me he will meet me back at my apartment later this evening. The boys hold the truck doors open for us as Elaini and I get inside.

I yawn and stretch, "That was the best breakfast food ever. I am officially stuffed."

Ash laughs, "Well I am glad you had a good breakfast."

I lean against Ash and smile closing my eyes, "Yeah it was amazing, however I could go for a nap on my way home."

Ash wraps his arm around me and runs his thumb along my arm, "Well it looks like Elaini is going to take one, so might as well let the girls take a small nap."

Levi laughs at Elaini rolling her eyes, "You girls did party pretty hard, so you deserve it."

Pretty soon, I am lulled to sleep with Ash rubbing his thumb on my arm.

"Sage, the fact that you even mentioned moving on. Do you know how much that hurts?" He looks at me with tears in his eyes.

I stare at him hurt but confused, "How are you even hurt? You told me you couldn't even love me. You told me you couldn't make me happy. So you told me to just focus on me and not on you. So I am moving on from you. If I want the life that I want in the future, I have to. I can't sit here and keep waiting for you. I will just keep breaking my heart."

He shakes his head walking to the door, "I gave up so much for my ex. You are supposed to compromise for the ones you love. The ones you really love, you don't give up on them."

I stared at him with tears rolling down my face, "I really loved you. If you really loved me then you would have done anything to make me yours."

He opens the door and pauses, "I wasn't ready. I am sorry that I couldn't be the man you needed."

He walks out and slams the door shut. I fall to my knees and cry my heart out. I cry for all the months I loved him when he didn't love himself. I cried for all the times I gave him all of me. I cried because i chased for a year. Wanting only him and no one else, almost willing to give up my dream of having kids.

I felt my heart shatter into pieces all over again. I cried knowing I would always have that place for him but knowing we would never be anything. 

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