Chapter 22 Father/Daughter Time

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I wake up gasping and drenched in sweat, and I feel all eyes on me in the corner. I scooch over and take deep breaths calming down.

Elaini turns around in her seat, "Sage are you okay?"

I nod and inhale holding it for ten seconds and then let it out. I pull away from Ash, "Yeah, I just need a minute."

I look out the window once again feeling that darkness and pain radiate through my chest. Soon I notice we are outside my apartment where we agreed to drop me off. I hop out hoping the fresh air will calm me down.

Ash walks me to the front porch and I turn around and look at him. I try to hide the pain that I am feeling inside not wanting to burden him.

Ash puts his hand on my cheek, "Sage, I know you are still healing and have some broken pieces. Just so know that when you are going through this don't think that you are a burden to me. I care for you, I will give you the space. I want you to know that if you need someone I will drop everything and be here in an instant. You are not alone."

The tears instantly fall down my face and I hug Ash super tight burying my head in his chest. Ash wraps his arms around me making me feel secure and he kisses the top of my head.

I inhale his scent and look up at him, "I have never experienced anything as safe as being with you. Thank you, I promise I will text you or call you if something gets worse. I can ask one favor, I really need to see a therapist."

Ash nods and pushes my hair behind my ear, "I understand, I think I know a few good ones and I will send you their contact information. I will come back over later this evening to check on you. Okay?"

I pull him close and give him a soft kiss before he has to leave. Ash squeezes my hand and goes back to Levi's truck. I wave everyone goodbye and head inside my apartment.

I smile instantly just looking around knowing that this is home and it feels like home. I head to my room and plop on the bed, pulling out my phone to text my dad. I ignore the weird number that is trying to text me and look at my dads messages. He informs me that they will be over in an hour.

With that information I realize I should probably shower and look somewhat decent for the rest of the day. I get up and once again check out how I actually still look good even though I am wearing Ash's clothes.

I fold Ash's clothes up not wanting to wash their smell away and take a shower. As I take a shower, I can't help but smile remembering the night before with Ash.

I get out of the shower and put on some lotion and brush out my hair. I put on some yoga pants and a loose shirt, but I decide to put Ash's sweatshirt back on. I feel a bit of the pain go away in my chest feeling comforted at the thought of being somewhat close to him.

Pulling out my phone I decided to text him.

Sage: "Hey, what are you up to?"

Ash: "Well, Trystan came over to help me work on my car since I had ordered some new parts. However, now I am taking a break to talk to you baby."

I giggle and blush at his response.

Sage: "You are such a sweetheart. That sounds like fun, I would love to help you work on your car sometime. I decided to shower before dad comes over. Hopefully Teresa isn't a drama queen about my choice in decorations."

Ash: "Well, she better not because you have amazing taste. Your apartment looks really good."

Sage: "Most of the credit goes to Trish. I am sorry for pulling away earlier. I just had another nightmare that seems to haunt me, I am doing my best to not let it get to me."

Ash: "You are just fine. I understand what it is like, I truly do. I am always here for you."

Sage: "That means more than you know. Do you think you can come over this evening to watch a movie with me?"

Ash: "Of course. Anything for you princess."

I smile and lay back on my bed sighing. I feel safe and comfortable and yet I don't have to be clinging to him to feel that way. I hope that is a good thing.

I hear my doorbell ring and I quickly get to the front door and open it. Within minutes of opening my front door I am greeted by my dog Aurora.

Aurora jumps up onto me and barks licking my face. I giggle and pull her close, scratching her head. My dad laughs, "She definitely missed her mommy."

I allow them to come inside and I sit on the couch where Aurora immediately crawls into my lap.

I laugh nuzzling my face close to hers, "Mommy missed you just as much as you missed me Aurora."

Teresa takes a picture, "She definitely didn't get as good as sleep with you gone. Constant worry on how you are doing."

I kiss Aurora's nose and rub her head as she relaxes into me feeling safe.

I look up at them, "So how are you two handling things?"

Teresa sighs, "I didn't realize how stressful a wedding was going to be."

I smile and looked at my dad, "Yeah but it will be worth it in the end trust me."

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