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It had been 2 years..Reese was babbling and bouncing in my lap
but my head was clouded..I miss her god i miss her

Let me introduce myself

My names Ella Lucas..I'm 25 now..i have a 18 month old daughter named Reese..Reese Rapp..

she looks just like her momma..i know she'll never meet her..her..her family paid my parents off

after renee had given birth they took her to a doctor..She was given an injection to cloud her memory of the last 9months

her father's exact words to me were

"You should have pulled it out of my daughter! Then maybe you two could of been together for the long run"

what the fuck am i talking about you may ask?

Well..I have a penis and women anatomy but i also produce sperm? it's a weird combination because i get periods but i also can make babies? Renee didn't care..she loved me for me..

Renee is just like her..Blonde hair..blue eyes

full of energy and a sassy little fucker

i show her pictures of renee all the time

Renee's family has power
They didn't want renee to throw her life away over a "Fucking kid that we should of never made"

i swear it wasn't a mistake when she was screaming my name

but back to the bigger subject at hand

Renee just dropped a new show..Sex lives of college girls or some shit? she's dating some girl named Maya..Everytime i see it i feel sick

she's my girl

she was supposed to be mine

she never got the choice on what she wanted..her parents often chose for her..

she would or blew up with out without having a kid

because she's good

fuck that she's amazing

i sigh and look over to see reese is standing by herself and i smile

reese is lazy as shit

the girl ain't even two and lounges around like she has a full time job

i chuckle and pick her up and change her into the cutest little outfit before kissing her cheeks and feeding her

the girl loves food


as i get her set i grab my bag and drive to the mall so i can grab her a few new things

and as im walking reese runs off into the crowd

Renee's pov

I was walking with maya
my dads friend set me up with her some months back

she's cool
but i kept thinking about ella..i don't remember exactly what happened but my dad said she cheated on me..and that i went into depression or some shit

i was here to grab some new mom jeans when a very tiny human bumps into me

i laugh as she falls on her butt

Damn she looks like..me?

i mean baby me

i lift her up and she giggles "where's your mommy baby girl?" she just smiles and shrugs "fast fast" she giggles agian

i sigh and then i see someone coming toward me

she instantly takes her away

"I'm so sorry! she ran off so fast and i c-"

"Ella?" i asked in shock

i thought she moved

she looks at me and i swear she blinks back tears

"Hi Nae.."

i force a smile and tickle the little girls stomach

"this cutie yours?"

"mhm" she says with a soft smile

"her names reese.."

i groan "That's my first pick for baby names ella! gosh" i laugh

she nods and says "i..i gotta go i-"


she stops and gives me a questioning look

"What's your Ig?..I know we didn't work out..but we can be friends?"

she smiles softly


she gives me her @ and then we hug and she leaves

if i only knew

A/N Ty you for asking for this

Messy; Renee RappWhere stories live. Discover now