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Would you hold me tight if we shared the same dna?

"Fast fast" reese said the entire ride home

"no reese! NO! Mommy has told you time after time DO NOT RUN OFF!"



"wait wait no baby" i say as i pork and get her out of her rear facing car seat

"mommas got you baby..mommas got you" i say rocking her

she calms down quickly as she puts her thumb in her mouth

just like renee

don't tell her i told you though

it's a secret

and for the record she only does it in deep sleep

i put reese down in her ballpit and kiss her head

"stay for momma okay?" she giggles and starts throwing her balls out the ball pit


i start making food when i get a notification

ReneeRapp sent you a Dm

I open it and it says

Sooooooo let's catch up?

i inhale and look at the message

There's not much to catch up on renee

Bullshit you have a whole kid! details!

we have a whole kid


where's her momma? who did you settle down with? she's so cute!

ne and her mom didn't work out sadly

oh..i'm sorry, why?

Her parents didn't want her to be stuck with a child..so they made the whole thing disappear

after i sent that i closed my phone

don't cry ella

don't you dare cry

i was about to break into tears when i felt a little body around my ankle

"Well hey there baby.."

she giggles and i pick her up

"i thought i told you to stay?"

"bword! wome pleah?". (bored come play)

i sigh and kiss her cheeks

"mommy has to cook b-"


i chuckle

those eyes get me everytime

just like her mommas

Renee Pov

Maya was ranting to me about something but i could care less

i was stalking ella's page

it was full of Reese and her..

why did me seeing her..hurt so much?

when maya took her away from me i felt empty agian

like i have the past two years

my dad just says it's my depression and he has me on really high dosage of an anti depressant

i lowkey think he's scared of me killing myself

Im not about that though id chicken out

i smile at the story she just posted

Reese has paint all over her

her and ella are covered in it

i smile softly

"my girls" i mumble as maya takes my phone

"Babe really? she cheated on you! get off her shit" she says throwing me my phone back

"i just..i don't actually know she did i was just told that-"

"oh? do the math babe..the kid is around that time. it adds up"

i sigh

i feel a connection..i know i shouldnt


Loving me gets messy

Messy; Renee RappWhere stories live. Discover now