661 28 20

3 weeks
no drama
no one trying to hurt my family
just happiness

"momma? where's babies come from?" reese says innocently with her head tilted as i spit out my coffee

"oh um...the stork?"

"Uncles said that's a lie and that they come from a nasty wet place"

"oh he did?" renee says with a chuckle as she picks her up

"yups! me no let wet place momma"

"mmm okay sweetie, go find m-"

"hey babe?" ella says walking out in just a sport bra and shorts

i chuckle "youre so cute, i was just about to have the little one go get you"

Ella rolls her eyes and walks over and kisses me
as i grab her through her shorts when reese isn't looking

she bites her lip and says "don't start something you can't finsh baby"

i smile innocently "hmm?"

just as ella was about to kiss me
my phone rang with a text

Adam: Need you at the studio asap

it's sunday for christ sake

i groan and kiss ella "i'll be back"

before i pick reese up and kiss her cheeks

"Momma will see you later. okay?"

she giggles and nods "okays"


Mayas pov

"Thanks Adam" i smile as i hold his phone
he was barely awake, he was on renee's side and not ours

that was his mistake

"So..you put on these nice glasses here" i say putting him on sunglasses

"Don't say shit to her Adam..Just give her the water"

"I won't do this too her" he barks

"Cute, i don't remember giving you that choice. Now..You do it or i'll make sure you aren't her manger when she wakes up"

"You claim you love her but if you did you'd let her go and wouldn't do this"

I simply roll my eyes and wait in the sound booth until she comes

he does as told and within a few minutes she's out cold

he catches her and sighs deeply "please forgive me nae..i didn't want too"

I roll my eyes and walk out picking her up

"Thanks adam! Oh and if you ever help her write a song dissing me agian, you're dead"

i laugh and walk out with her putting her in my car and driving her to her dads

You Made this messy renee

not me

Ella's pov

Adam calls me frantic

"Ella go get her! Ella i'm sorry! Ella go get her!"

"adam! calm down! what are you talking about??"

"Maya took her..to her dad.."



Love you, mean it

thath0emadalynnee wwe_fanfiction and Grave

Messy; Renee RappWhere stories live. Discover now