Chapter 2: Picking up the Pieces

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Chapter 2: Picking up the Pieces

And it cuts like a knife
It feels like a fight
To take back your life

"Let's see now...Your vitals are well. Though I think you could do well putting on a few more pounds, your weight is far too close to the underweight line for comfort.

Have you had any aches recently?"

"No, not physical at least."

Cedric nodded as he wrote down the details of Nesta's checkup. He was by no means a healer but knew the woman wouldn't trust anyone from their court too quickly aside from them. In the three days she'd been here she'd grown close to their mother, Eris was smitten long before her arrival and even Nemesis seemed to like her. Cedric too could admit she was pleasant company. She was elegant, polite, but also so very scared even if she hid it well. He knew her situation all too well.

"If it's not a physical wound there's not much I can do other than provide support and security. Should this lift your spirits, we were discussing allyship with the other courts so of you'd like to travel that could be arranged. I highly doubt that Eris would deny you anything."

Nesta chuckled. "Right. I'm not sure if traveling would help bit it's nice to know I can freely move around again."

He sighed defeatedly as he took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Please don't tell me those brutes locked you up? Please tell me I'm assuming in bad faith that they the exact same thing they destroyed Tamlin and his court for..."

"I wish I could say I'm joking."

"Fuck and I thought me and my brothers were dysfunctional, at least we have a common enemy just what excuse did your sisters have?!'

Nesta shrugged. "That I was an embarrassment? Maybe this was just payback from not caring for them properly during our human strifes."

"Correct me if I'm wrong but did you all not have a father when you were human?"

She nodded. "Father was ill. He couldn't properly care for us, or maybe he didn't want to. Honestly there are times I miss and mourn him and other times I wish I could scream at him for what he put us through.

Regardless my approach was to try and waste away and force him to see us all in pain, hoping that would push him to action. It didn't work and Feyre was forced to hunt for food so we could survive. I should've helped her."

"No. No that's not your fault!"


"Nesta, I am the second youngest child born to this wretched union and messy family. If we'd been in your position I would never dare fault Eris or Nemesis or...Gideon for not providing!

You were a child! It was your father's responsibility to provide, not yours nor Feyre's! And if he couldn't provide due to his illness then it was his responsibility to find you a place where you'd be cared for by someone who could!

I did not know the man, if he was here right now I would commend him for offering help during the war but I would also lecture him for the rift he caused. You don't desrve to carry the guilt of your father's sins."

Her eyes were glossy, and he could see her lower her gaze. "You're the first one to tell me that."

"And I shall continue to say so. Listen I am not as emotionally inclined as Eris or Nemesis but it'd be happy to talk whenever you want me to lift your spirits. This family is a mess, Nesta but do know that we care for our own. You're one of us, for life."

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