Chapter 12: Little Victories

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Chapter 12: Little Victories

I lean against the wind, pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy, happy

Nesta waited until the former god awoke to proceed. He was out the door dressed in black silk and jumped as his eyes fell on her figure leaning on the wall.

"Come. We must speak."

"I am not to go anywhere with you alone!"

"You won't be alone, the meeting is with everyone, including Nemesis. I am just the one sent to escort you."

"...Very well."

The pair walked slowly. Nesta only glanced at his reflection in the windows as they made their way to the meeting room. This wasn't the same god she'd faced in the prison. Rather he reminded her of herself when she was first brought to the House of Wind. Maybe that's why despite her hesitance she'd agreed to this, and to let Nemesis be the one to care for him.

"I'm sorry, for what I did to you. For taking your head when in my worst moments you were offering me a way out.

I just didn't want the world, or godhood, or thrones. I wanted peace and quiet. I wanted actual love, not a marriage of gods."

Lanthys seemed reflective for a moment. Then he spoke. "I appreciate the apology but it will take more than that to convince me of your intentions."

"I am nothing if not a patient woman. I will prove myself to you if needed."

They didn't need speak again until they neared the meeting room.

"Do tell me this at least, Nesta. Was there love between you and the Lord of Carrion after my demise?"

"No. There was no love from the Lord of Carrion to me. However I did come to find the love I was looking for elsewhere."

Nesta answered as they walked into the meeting room and her eyes fell on Eris. Lanthys seemed to understand yet remained silent. She wasn't sure why, but the former god seemed to approve of her answer.

Lanthys sat beside Nemesis and she sat beside Eris, to her left there was Tanya and in front of her Nuan and Cedric began taking out papers and files. "Sorry for the early wake up, your divinity but this cannot wait." Nuan said.

The Dawn female laid down reports in front of the former god and explained. "We have data on Koschei but we need you to confirm or deny what we can use once he strikes."

Lanthys looked at the information, he was a fast reader, eventually he put the papers down. "You can burn everything down. None of this will work."

"What?!" Everyone said in unison.

"Koschei the Deathless cannot be killed so easily. The man is a god, not a mere sorcerer even if he dallies in such trades."

" were a god once." Cedric said.

"Yes, but my demise came at the hands of a made blade with Cauldron essence. Not to mention that I hadn't anticipated defeat unlike Koschei."

"Let's retrace. You mean to tell us the only way to deafeat Koschei is with a made blade like Atraxia?!" Eris asked.

"That would be but the beginning of it."

They all groaned. During Amren's final stand with the black hole all six made blades were destroyed, along with the rest of the Obsidian Palace. Unless Nesta could remake the blades they were out of luck.

"I assume the blade is gone?" Lanthys asked, half annoyed half expectant.

"It's a long story. I can catch you up over breakfast." Nemesis told him.

A Court of Blaze & SorrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora