Chapter 5: Bittersweet Healing

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Chapter 5: Bittersweet Healing

You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven

Nesta and Clare we ready to leave, both had their luggage packed and had made peace with the fact they'd be visiting their former home, or in Nesta's case, she'd remain there for a while.

They walked into the greenhouse in the garden, ready for the others to make a portal and winnow them there. They didn't expect to walk into a hug between Lucien and Tamlin.

Eventually, they pulled away. Tamlin tucked Lucien's red hair behind his ear, as it covered his golden eye.

"Gorgeous." He said.

"Stop it. You're trying to get back at me for this morning." Lucien said while blushing and turning away.

Tamlin smirked. "A little."

"I knew it!"

They were startled by the sound of Nesta's fake cough while Clare giggled. "Are we leaving or do you two want to propose before we depart?"

There were no arguments after that, and Lucien simply opened the portal to the human lands. It felt surreal to come back.

Not a minute was spent in the mortal lands before Vassa tackled both him and Tamlin to the floor.

"Nice to see you again," Lucien muttered, as Vassa laughed in her bird form.

Jurian was the one to help them up. "Good to see ya Luce. Tamlin charmed to see you again, under much better circumstances."


Vassa shrunk herself to the size of a dove and perched herself on Tamlin's shoulder, happily squeaking.

"It's good to meet you too, your majesty."

"You can understand her like this?" Lucien asked.

"Yes, shifters can understand each other regardless of form." Tamlin explained.

Jurian smiled and then turned to greet them. "Lady Acheron, Lady Beddor is nice to meet you both. Allow me to carry your bags until we get to the manor. We have a lot to discuss."

They walked back to the mannor and it was hard for her not to e nostalgic and take in every detail of her former home. The scent, the view, the air. This land might not be as beautiful as Prythian but she loved it all the same and deeply missed it.

Once they got to the mannor and settled into the dinning room, Jurian explained what they would do.

"Lucien told me in his letters that you all wish to visit the village you lived in. I'd be happy to take you but it must be while glamoured.

As for your stay, Miss Acheron rest assured that we'll be happy to host you for as long as you want so. That being said, we want to ensure you'll be properly healing from what has ailed you since the war began. Should you wish to, you may attend therapy sessions with Vassa's therapist. The man has been an inmense help with what she's dealt with since the beginning of the curse.We believe he'd help you as well, you don't need to worry about costs as those are already covered. What do you say?"

Nesta was stunned. "I...I'm- Thank you. I gladly accept this offer."

Theraphy. She should've gotten that from the start and maybe she wouldn't be in this mess. She thought Prythian didn't have therapists given that if her former family wanted to help her heal that'd be the first thing they'd do. But no, there were therapists, apparently multiple of them. She just wasn't worth the effort to the Night Court.

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