Chapter 7: Four of Wands

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Chapter 7: Four of Wands

I'm out here doin' all I can
You make me everything I am
Give me strength to get through somehow
I keep hoping that it won't be long now

There'll come a day
When I can hold you and say
It's forever
There'll come a day
When these broken lives
Fade back together
There'll come a day
When we won't feel like this
I'll find my way
There'll come a day

"You're staying in Autumn now? I didn't take Tarquin for the unforgiving type."

Amren's voice was still a sound he thought of fondly. Varian hated the fact that this was breaking him, that he didn't want to, still, he turned around to face her and miraculously kept from crying. "Actually, I am here because I need to speak with you and Summer isn't an option anymore."

She rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it. I still have the stab marks from the crazy Spring bitch yet we're the ones banned."

"Amren. This isn't about them...Well, not entirely. The truth is that while I still love you plenty we cannot continue this courtship."

"Wait, what?!" She was alarmed, but not with heartbreak, rather as if a plan had fallen apart. "You're choosing Tarquin over me?! Do I mean so little to you?!"

Varian could feel his heart slowly breaking. "No, you mean the world to me, but I am not sacrificing my family for your sake!"

"Oh spare me, you could just come to Night with me until they see reason! Or you could fight him on this! Grow a spine and challenge him for the throne. Summer would be ours!"

His eyes went wide with horror, although he should've expected her to suggest that. "I would never dare challenge my cousin's claim! How could you even think that?! Amren, my family means the world to me, and from the start you've tried to undermine them! If it were up to me I'd never dare choose but what you all did that night leaves me with no other choice! 

I can't be with you if this is what you think of them. I just cannot...put anyone above them."

She nodded, frowning. "I should've known this was all a waste of time."

That admission was enough to break him. The final proof that Cresseida was right about Amren, about these two years he spent madly in love being nothing but part of the inner circle's plan.

"If that is what you truly think then we have nothing else to discuss. I'm sorry for everything. I wish you good luck with your endeavors. Goodbye, Amren." It took all of his strength to say those words without breaking, to look her in the eyes without tears. She didn't even care to comment on it.

Amren said nothing and didn't even look back as she windowed away. Once the room was empty save for him, Varian collapsed crying.

"I'm sorry. I thought she'd be kinder despite her anger. Perhaps it was best to let her come to you."

He was startled by Tybalt's voice. The fourth prince of Autumn came through the wall as his younger brother often did. By now, Varian was used to it.

"You really had to have Cedric teach you how to do that?"

Tybalt shrugged. "He owed me for stuffing me in the freezer. Now, come here, this isn't about me."

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