part 6

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The same night, while Yeonjun was sleeping, you texted Kai and asked if he could find out as much about Heeseung as possible because you wanted to make sure your suspicions about him apparently studying economics were right.
Now you also had this other thing you could hold against him when talking to Amelia. She deserved to know the truth about her so-called boyfriend.

Eventually you passed out because today was definitely too much to handle. You really hoped you were never going to cross paths with Heeseung ever again.

You woke up to a bright lit up room, the sun was shining so brightly, it made you close your eyes again immediately. But you didn't see Yeonjun.

"Yeonjun??", you shouted. No answer.

"Yeonjun??" Again, no answer.

So, you opened your eyes again to get used to the sunlight and then got up.

You could feel Heeseung's breath and lips on you. It made you feel sick. Shivers went down your spine and you wrapped your arms around you, standing still. You made a disgusted noise and sighed.

Then you took a deep breath and shouted for your boyfriend again while leaving the room.

But again, no answer.

Slowly you started to worry. Where did he go to? Where was he?? He didn't leave a note!

Quickly you put on socks and pants, you were wearing a shirt of him and then quickly searched for him inside the house. But no sign of him.

You took your phone but you got no message from him. Immediately you called him. "Come on, pick up the phone, Yeonjun!"
Anxiously you walked around the house and waited for him to pick up.

"Come on..."

"Baby, pick up..."

You sighed, hung up but called him right again.

Nothing. No answer. What was he doing? Where the hell was he??
Tears started to form in your eyes, you had no idea what was going on.

Suddenly the front door got opened with a loud bang against the wall. In complete shock you dropped your phone but as you then saw Yeonjun entering, you let out a loud sigh and held your chest.

"Yeonjun! You scared me!", you said in a louder tone.

He held a paper bag in his one hand and closed the door with his other one. "Shit, I'm so sorry, babe. I thought I'd just quickly get something to eat."

You got back your phone and kinda sighed: "And you thought fast food was a good idea?"

He walked towards you and nodded: "It's almost 1pm, so yes, I thought some warm food would be good."

"Wait-", you looked at your phone. Damn it, it really was almost 1pm, you didn't even notice earlier.


That evening you met up with your friend Amelia, you met at a restaurant in the north side of the city.

You both greeted each other happily, you shared a few good things but as she kept going about Heeseung, you couldn't take it anymore.

"Amelia... listen, there's some things you have to know about your boyfriend..."

Confused she looked at you: "What do you mean? I know everything."

"Do you really?"

"Excuse me?"

"He's not what he pretends to be..."

Amelia scoffed: "As if."

Kai had texted you everything he could find out. And Heeseung most certainly was not studying economics, he wasn't even studying at all.

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