part 17

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***six years ago***

Jake and you just graduated, well your year did and now you were ready to take over the world, well or at least he was even though he was also heartbroken, he really loved you. He had liked you long before he even knew your name and once he asked you on a date, he couldn't be happier and then you also agreeing to him being your boyfriend, this was all he wanted in the department of love.

Now you were still all he wanted, especially after the goodbye kiss you two shared and now he was longing for you even more if that was even possible.
Jake couldn't get over you, you were his first love and seemingly the last one for what it felt like.

So, he went to college being absolutely miserable, he didn't even want to go. His thoughts were only with you and no one and nothing else.
He didn't care about his scholarship at this point, all he wanted was to get back to you and ask you to try getting back together.

He knew you went to New York and you had a room on campus, so he just had to stake out at the colleges.
And that's what he did, he flew all the way to the most famous city of the world and looked for you. Some would say he was crazy in love, others would call him a stalker and second is what he was, it wasn't romantic or cute, no, he shouldn't just stalk you like that, especially when you two broke up but Jake did it anyway.

This way he got his first record since other college students noticed him being around all day long, not knowing who he was stalking, he made them uncomfortable, so they called campus security and they called the police.
He got away with a fine of $500 dollars and a now standing record of being a stalker.

Jake didn't do himself any favour by being away from his own college and especially with having a scholarship, he was doomed, to be at least.
By now the first semester was almost over and he hadn't had enough attended courses, he was aware of it but all he cared about was you.

But he didn't seem to be able to find you, so he eventually gave up for a while and went back to his dorm he shared with a stoner named Beomgyu.
At first it bothered him but since he then was away most of the time, he didn't mind the room smelling like shit, now he also didn't mind, he actually asked his roomie if he could try as well.
Bad idea. It was a bad idea because he liked it.

And that was just how he started jumping from one unhealthy obsession named y/n to another unhealthy obsession.

Actually, he was still obsessed with you, just now he used substance to forget about you, even if it's just for a few hours or moments.

Jake and Beomgyu stayed away from courses together and got high, tried different type of drugs and went outside at night to smoke on campus. To say Beomgyu was a really bad influence would be an understatement but they both were adults, so they could do whatever they wanted to, even if that meant fucking up their brains and lives.

Jake enjoyed the distraction.

The older one took his younger friend to meet up with his friends one night. They happily greeted him, some most definitely were high.
One named Sunghoon reached out a cigarette to Jake which he gladly took and the younger one lit it for him.
Jake nodded to him and then looked back at Beomgyu who was smirking as he opened his bag he brought and took out some spray cans: "Time to have even more fun!"
The guys cheered and so did Jake, he really felt like he found his crowd even though they most certainly were going to take advantage of him being heartbroken.

So, they really influenced him a lot. He started to get more aggressive and got into more trouble at the campus. As he was high once he destroyed school property and now was in more trouble than he thought he was since he got caught.

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