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" Shayla you are so beautiful and I have been dying to marry you, he said as he placed his hands on my thigh. I moved his hand away from my thigh. " I think you're moving a little too fast. I said glaring at him. " Well we might as well get a move on, so we can practice making children. " Children?! I snapped. " Oh yes the grandchildren would be a wonderful thing said his mother. " I do agree said Melissa . " Sis I thought you didn't want children. Said Marcus Jr staring at me in confusion" Well not yet. " You're getting older by the day and this lovely gentleman Darius would love children. Said Melissa. " Yeah I guess from experiencing dried up eggs you would know. Marcus Jr tried his hardest not to laugh. " How dare you speak to your stepmother like that, apologize this instant. " Relax father it was a joke. " Shayla that was disrespectful and distasteful apologize right now! My father demanded. " Dad you're being ridiculous. " You're being ridiculous Shayla. Said Melissa. " Dad did you make your wife apologize when she makes rude comments to me and Marcus Jr.! I snapped. " As my future wife you are to obey your parents. Said Darius. " Darius hush! " Hey you don't speak to my son like that! Darius mother chimes in. " You should tell that to your son! " You are very disobedient! " My son should not have to marry such a difficult woman who doesn't know her place. Everyone except Marcus Jr were all yelling and fussing with me I was cussing everyone out from left to right. I just got up from the table and left . " Where do you think you're going?! " My father demanded. " I walked away fast to my room, closing my bedroom door. I was so angry, mainly with my father. " I felt like he stopped loving me years ago. An hour later I heard a soft knock on my door. " Come in baby brother. " I'm sorry that happened to you my dear sister. Marcus came in to hug me. " Are they gone? " Nope they're just eating and conversing as if nothing has happened. " I wish dad could love me like he loves you, he makes me feel so small. " I'm sorry Shayla. " It's not your fault, dad just lost his mind I'm glad he still loves you. " I'm sure our father loves you too. Said Marcus. " I'll believe that when pigs fly. " If wings some how magically appear on Melissa would you believe me. I laughed and he laughed. " I'm lucky to have a funny little brother like you. " Come on dear sis let's go for a walk. I walked with my little brother through the woods behind the castle like we used to do when our mother was alive. " I wanted to tell you something but I don't want you to see me differently. Said Marcus Jr. " Marcus just tell me I won't judge you. I told my brother. " I'm gay. " I have a crush on my friend Beck. " Oh my gosh am I the first person you told?! I jumped up and down with excitement. "Duh. He said smiling. " I'm happy you told me bro. And Beck he's not the best looking guy but he's a sweetheart. " I don't know Shayla being gay is frowned on. " Well it shouldn't be, you should love whoever you want. " Dad probably won't accept me if he was to ever find out.. Marcus Jr looks down as he kicks the grass. " Well then dad deserves you as his son. " I think Melissa already knows, she keeps calling me a slur. " Well I'll rip her ass a new one. "I'll punch that skank on her mouth. " No Shay please don't do that it will just cause more havoc. " Okay how about I slap her? " Shayla. Marcus Jr looks at me with disappointment as he folds his arms. "Why not?! " Because she's not worth it, and we made a promise to our mother. After having a moment with my baby brother something tragic happens an hour later after we return. I went to go use one of our bathrooms to find my baby brother with a slit throat. There was a knife  on the ground next to him. I was in shock and collapsed on the floor next to his dead body. He felt cold and lifeless. " Marcus! I screamed. " Somebody help! I shout as I hold his lifeless body in my arms.  Before I could shout again as the hot tears run down my face. " That gay bastard had it coming, I heard Melissa's evil voice say. " He was an abomination to this world. " How could you ! " I shouted. Melissa grins. That evil grin that's been taunting me and my baby brother for years. The rage thats been pented up deep inside of me made me grab the knife and chase her out of the bathroom with it. " You fucking bitch, I'll have your head! " Help. she screams.  She runs straight toy dad's arms. " Honey Shayla's gone mad! She killed Jr and now she's trying to kill me. My dad's mouth drops in disbelief. " Dad I swear it was Melissa who killed Jr! " No honey I heard them fighting earlier and I walked in on her killing him and now she wants to kill me too. My dad ran to the bathroom. " Melissa pretends to cry. " Shayla you're going to jail! My dad said staring at me with anger in his eyes. I walk towards my dad sobbing. " Dad it wasn't me . " I would never kill Jr. " Liar! " You was jealous of your baby brother. " Get out of my house you low down lying murderer.  My dad's word cut me deep in my heart. The cops were called and I hopped in my jeep and drove off with tears running down my face. I didn't know where o was driving but I drove far away from home and never looked back

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