Accepted as Prisoner

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I drove half way to the airport just to find out Shayla escaped. For a minute I wanted to kill Shayla. " But how could I not  know she was no longer in the car? I pulled out a cigarette to smoke it. I drove back to the road where Shayla tried to escape. I wasn't sure which side of the road she ran off to until I heard a scream of horror. Three repulsive looking men were approaching Shayla who was caught in a bear trap. I killed the three men without any hesitation. I had to admit it was pretty gory. Some of their blood got on my face and Shayla's face as well. Shayla looked at me helplessly with those silver eyes. As if the bear trap wasn't on her ankle. For a minute I felt kind of bad for this woman. I broke the bear trap off of her ankle  and carried her to the car. I put her in the back seat to sit her down. I took some alcohol and poured it on her wound. "Ahhhhhhhh! She screams. " You are always fussing. I snapped at her.  " It burns, how am I suppose to react! " I have baby brothers who can handle this way better than you. " Oh gosh, there's more of you? She said harshly. I wanted to snatch off her foot but I had to think about the prize money. I bandaged her wound. " I'd be nice to me if I was you. I told her. " Or what you'll kill me? " Go ahead I've been through worse. The more I looked at Shayla the more I started to question if she killed her brother, what if I was turning in a innocent person. " Fuck you?! " This is the thanks I get for healing you after you put yourself through this mess? " You are the reason why I did what I did?! She yelled. " Her stomach growls. " You must be hungry, maybe a bite to eat will get you to shut up.  " I'm not hungry. She said folding her arms. " I'm going to get you something to eat. " Go ahead I won't eat! Her stomach growls again. "Yeah keep telling your self that. As I was getting ready to get out of the car Shayla pulls my hair and slaps me. " What the fuck?! I shouted. " "How can this small woman be so damn heavy handed? I slapped Shayla back knocking out cold. I found some rope on the truck of my car and tied her feet and hands up. " Now you can keep your hands to yourself. I said even though Shayla didn't hear me .

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