A Big bad Wolf

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I found out where Shayla Evins was hiding , I was informed she changed her name before she went to liv in a village by York New City. I was pleased to find out everything I needed to know. I scoped the village she was living in, I decided to just watch and see if I could spot her in a nearby tree. I found her leaving her home. I couldn't believe how  slick she was. I was amazed how she looked so innocent and friendly towards the other villagers. A woman who killed her own brother just smiling and looking so chipper.I decided to wait for her in her home. It was a nice stoned house. She had a one bedroom house. I hid in her closet waiting for her to get home. I waited eight hours for Shayla to get home. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy as I waited for her return. I was awakened whey I heard her come in. She came into her room to undress herself. She took off her shoes and tried to take off her dress but I stopped her before I saw her undress completely. I grabbed her throat Shayla was pretty strong for a regular mortal. She grabbed my face and scratched my left eye. " What the hell! I snapped. Shayla broke loose and started to scream. Before she could run out of the room I tackled her to the ground.  She hit the front of her head on her wooden floor and she was quiet. " Did I kill her? I questioned. I myself? I turned her over towards me. I can tell she was still breathing so reached to pick her up. " Sike! Shayla said as she kicked me in my testicles and got up from under me but I tripped her and punched her in the face to knock her out. She was out cold this time. I made sure I wasted no time and tied her up. I took her from the village and carried her through the woods.

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