My Journey after I left town

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I made it out of town and took a plane to York New City. I used a fake i.d to get by. after I cut my hair off. I was Clare Barton. I wore all black and kept my sunglasses on. I had to admit it was nice blending in. All my life I was used to the paparazzi in my face. All my life my father made sure I was this perfect doll in front of the cameras even though I hated it. I found a nice villagein the woods and bought me a nice and cozy home. I've even met a nice lady named Mrs Miller. She use to sell nicknacks. Ever since she tasted a sample of my cooking she asked me to start a food business with her. We made tons of money. I kept a pare of glasses on so no one would notice me as Shayla. I hate the fact that I had to lie to Mrs Miller but I had to keep my identity safe. I began to enjoy life as a villager. A nice couple comes to our store. " Hello may we get the honey, cinnamon, glazed special? A fellow villager named Thomas asked. He was snuggling up with a chubby blonde haired woman.They were pretty cute together. After I gave then their order Thomas's girlfriend gave me a tip. " I said bye as they headed out the store waving but to me and Mrs Miller . " Aren't they a cute couple? Mr Miller questions. " Yes they're very cute, who knew Thomas had a girlfriend all this time. " When do you plan on finding someone? I chuckle. " Me with a certain someone? " I never thought about it.  "The Spring is slowly approaching, alot of men in the village seem to be interested. " I don't know Mrs Miller I never had time to think of things like that, are you trying to get rid of me already Mrs Miller? I laughed. " Of course not dear. " You're just beautiful, smart, funny, and kind. " If I didn't know better you sound like every guys dream. "Me beautiful I thought as I looked at my hands. They were dark brown. " Well sadly women like me aren't considered beautiful, I'd have to be a blonde blue eyed white woman, pale Asian woman or a lighter skinned black woman to be considered beautiful. " Oh honey you need to stop watching so much t.v. " I said you're beautiful and that's that! " Thank you Mrs Miller. I said said feeling a little hesitant about the compliment. " You're also a good cook , any man would be stupid enough to all not want you. I smiled. " Thanks again Mrs Miller. " It's getting late we should close up shop. Said Mrs Miller. " As we closed the shop I decided to stay with Mrs Miller for some tea. She would love my company and talk about how she met her husband during the war. Hours went by and it was time to leave. " Why don't you stay the night my dear it's getting late. " It's okay Mr Miller I should be heading home. " Okay dear she said. We hugged and I went my separate way but sadly I wish I did stay the night with Mrs Miller.

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