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In the North Pole region of Antarctica, specifically in the eastern part of the continent, a group of three scientists is settling in the WILKES LAND area. They are conducting research in the region to uncover previously undiscovered phenomena. During their exploration, they unexpectedly come across a peculiar-looking cave. Intrigued, they decide to enter the cave and discover a bunker with ruins inside. Eager to explore, they plan to enter the bunker in hopes of finding something significant within.

They search for an entrance, and surprisingly, it doesn't take long before they discover one. However, a passcode panel presents a challenge, making it seemingly impossible to proceed. Determined, they decide to find an alternative route, trying various tools such as a sledgehammer, blowtorch, bazookas, and even an anti-tank battery. Despite their efforts, none of these methods work, and they are on the verge of giving up.

Just as frustration sets in, the door suddenly opens by itself, leaving them perplexed. Choosing not to dwell on the mysterious occurrence, they seize the opportunity and enter the relic. The interior is pitch black, prompting them to pull out their flashlights and embark on an exploration of the ancient structure.

As they explore the place, they are amazed by the futuristic and advanced technology surrounding them. Their fascination grows until they encounter a single door positioned in the center of the relic. Moving towards it, they discover that the door is damaged. The two male scientists join forces to force it open by pulling it to the right, causing it to startle them as the lights illuminate the hallway beyond.

The corridor stretches with numerous doors, sparking their curiosity. Eager to unveil the secrets within, they decide to check each door one by one. However, a new challenge arises - each door requires a keycard for access, adding a layer of complexity to their exploration. Undeterred, they decide to split up and search for the keycards scattered throughout the relic.

Upon entering the room, the male scientist smirks, realizing he has found what he's been seeking - the document room. He swiftly locates a massive terminal, connects his USB, and begins the process of searching for crucial documents related to the relic. Blueprints of advanced technology, weaponry, and other significant findings fill the screen. After 30 minutes of meticulous searching, he successfully transfers the valuable data to his USB and decides to take a brief nap.

After a two-hour rest, he wakes up, stretches, and yawns, noticing that the data transfer is complete. He grabs his USB and exits the room. Suddenly, the entire place starts shaking, signaling an imminent collapse. Realizing the danger, he sprints for the exit. Simultaneously, the two scientists, who had been exploring and collecting souvenirs, join the race for survival.

Unfortunately, one of the male scientists stumbles, and a falling rock traps his leg. The others manage to free him, but in the chaos, the firearms they brought are left behind. After a prolonged search for the exit, they finally locate it and hurriedly escape. The ruin bunker collapses behind them, leaving them relieved to be alive.

With no time to spare, they bring their injured comrade back to the shelter they had established, grateful for their survival and the valuable information they gathered from the relic.

After escaping the collapsed ruin bunker and returning to their shelter, they decided to rest, as night had already fallen. At 6:00 am the next day, the female scientist wakes up to prepare food, noticing the absence of the male scientist. Suspecting exhaustion, she decides to cook alone. After finishing, she plans to wake him up, but when she enters his room, she discovers it empty, with only a note expressing gratitude and a decision to part ways.

Panicking, she searches every corner of their shelter, only to find that all of his belongings are gone. Distraught, she breaks down in tears. The male scientist, stumbling upon the scene, reads the note and, shocked, comforts her. Even after five years, the two scientists have moved on but still remember their friend. They leave their Antarctic research behind, collaborating with the United States to enhance the country's technology.

Jackson Davis, specializing in technological weaponry design, contributes to making the USA a formidable force. Meanwhile, Claire Mason becomes an expert in chemistry and medicine. She develops a revolutionary medicine capable of curing various diseases, including HIV and cancer but she keeps searching for the person she loves. Together, they elevate the USA's strength and safety. Unbeknownst to them, a shadowy figure emerges, poised to bring chaos to the world, reminding them that peace is only temporary.

To be continue....

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