Chapter 7: In another world

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In Williams's office...

Williams' POV:

I'm doing paperwork, all about supplies, materials, maintenance, and energy. It's a busy day until someone knocks at my door. I let him come in.

???: Good morning, sir. Busy as always.

Williams: What is it, Kyle?

Kyle: Just checking on you, sir.

Williams: Really?

Kyle: Just kidding, hahahaha.

Williams gets off his chair, picks up the mic, and kicks him out, locking the door.

Kyle: Aw, come on, sir, I'm just joking a bit.

Williams ignores him and continues his work.

Kyle: Please, sir, I apologize. I have important news for you, sir.

Williams gets off his chair, unlocks his door, opens the door, and pulls Mike in.

Williams: If you make another joke again, I'll kick you out and never let you in. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING?

Kyle: Yes, sir, I'm sorry for joking around. Please forgive me. *begging*

Williams: Apology accepted. Now, what's the big news you're saying?

Kyle: Oh, yes. *clears his throat* Remember the day you assigned me a project you gave me a year ago?

Williams: Yes, the project: Many Worlds.

Kyle: Yes, that project followed me.

Williams: Did you fail again?

Kyle: Just follow me, man. Let's go.

Williams: Alright, then.

Williams starts to follow Kyle as he leads him to his experiment room to show him the project is finished and fully operational.

(Timeskip given to by Williams accidently walks in the universe of Shtorm)

They finally arrived as kyle opens the door.

Williams: Kyle, I've been waiting to hear about your progress on the project. What do you have to report?

Kyle: Boss, I've got some exciting news for you! I've finally completed the portal project. We can now travel to different worlds, parallel dimensions, simulations-you name it!

Williams: (Looking intrigued) Really? That's quite the accomplishment, Kyle. I'm impressed. Is it safe to use now?

Kyle: Absolutely, boss. Despite numerous setbacks and failed attempts, I've finally ironed out all the kinks. It's ready for action.

Williams: Well then, let's not waste any time. Activate it, Kyle. Let's see if your claims hold up.

Kyle: (With a determined face) Right away, sir. (Proceeds to activate the portal) Get ready for a journey beyond your wildest imagination!

As Kyle activates the portal, it immediately turns on, and Kyle is the first one to enter the portal with excitement. Williams is the last one to enter the portal.

After Williams enters the portal, he is blinded by a bright light covering his eyes. As he slowly removes his hands from his eyes, he sees that the land is full of candy.

Williams: (Bewildered) Are you serious?

Kyle: (Enjoying the candy around him) Absolutely! Isn't it amazing? Just like a candy wonderland!

Williams: *Facepalm* What am I going to do with that kid?

Kyle: Boss, come on, join me.

Williams: Nah, I'm good.

Kyle: Suit yourself.

Kyle continues enjoying the candy wonderland while Williams roams around the place.

One hour later...

Feeling bored and tired, Williams wants to get back to his world. He calls Kyle for them to return, but Kyle doesn't answer despite countless calls. Williams decides to go find him.

As Williams searches for Kyle, there's no sign of him. He thinks Kyle may be lost or something, which frustrates and stresses him. Then he hears Kyle screaming. As he arrives at the source of the scream, he sees Kyle being attacked by angry gummy bears. He pulls out his energy gun, sniping the gummy bears, incinerating them. After he kills all of the gummy bears and helps Kyle, he approaches him.

Williams: Are you okay, Kyle?

Kyle: Yes, sir, but thanks for saving me though.

Williams: Don't mention it, but it's time for us to return to our world.

Kyle: To be honest, I'm quite bored now.

They decide to go back to their original world. After returning, Kyle plans to play some COD games because Williams gives him a well-deserved rest after achieving the project. Williams decides to go back to his office until someone calls him because Claire is about to wake up, but they forget to deactivate the portal.

In the infirmary room...

Third person POV:

There's only one patient inside the infirmary, a girl sleeping in bed with an AI nurse beside her to assist her if she wakes up.

Claire POV:

I'm dreaming about working with Williams, assisting me in making a chemical experiment. He goes behind me, holding my hands to guide me on how to mix chemicals with caution. I feel blushy and shy because he's literally holding my hands, which makes me blush even more. But my dream gets interrupted, indicating that I'm about to wake up.


???: Good morning, Claire. How are you feeling today?

Claire: Um... where am I? Why am I here?

???: You're in the infirmary, Claire.

Claire: Who are you?

Jessica: My name is jessica, im here to take care of you, how about you whats your name?

Claire: Claire Mason

Jessica: Thats a beautiful name

Claire: Thanks so am I okay to leave now?

Nurse: Your condition is stable now, so you're free to go whenever you feel ready. But we do recommend you take it easy for a while and follow up with your doctor.

Claire: Thank you so much for taking care of me. I'll make sure to take it easy and follow up with my doctor.

Nurse: You're welcome, Claire. Remember, if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. Take care bye!

Claire: You too

Sure, here's the corrected version:

As she is about to leave, the door suddenly opens, and there's someone in front of her, its none other than Williams himself. She is shocked by him.

Williams: Good afternoon, Claire.

Claire slaps him in the face.

Williams: Uhhh, that hurts.

Then Claire hugs him very tightly, making him suffocate.

Claire: I really miss you, Will.

Williams: C-c-Claire.

Claire: Don't you dare run away like that.

Williams: P-p-please, I need air.

Claire: What was that, Will!?

Williams is about to tell her to release him, but the amount of pressure she squeezing him, it's too late; he already passed out due to lack of air.

Claire: Eh?

Claire realizes she made Williams pass out and screams his name.

Claire: WILLIAMS!!!!

To be continued...

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