Echoes of Desperation

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She ran, and ran until her legs could no longer hold her. It was the end.

Seriously, the END. Debris of concrete shattered everywhere around her, causing her to stop. Suddenly, rocks came down, tumbling all over her, it surrounded her.

She was trapped. Aya didn't have thought she would end up like this, in fact neither this the others.

Aya is Aya. She went to school, and did everything you would expect a 14 year old to do. Except you would expect a 14 year old to be running for her life, carrying a photo frame, a torch and her last connection to the rest of who knows of humanity.

Let's go back a bit. I'll say it as clear as I can.

Zombie apocalypse war.
It actually happens all so fast. What was it that she could remember? Was it the news flash, her parents faces' blank, and people running. But that was the past, we're talking about the present.
All she could remember was that she got a call from a radio she heard in the basement of her home, and it was a distress signal. She knew she was the only one, but a signal with other people? She wouldn't be alone anymore. Aya needed a way to get out of her district without startling the zombies, but I guess you could say it took a BIG turn.

She wasn't expecting to awake a monster, or God knows what.
In the suffocating embrace of the rubble, Aya fought against the oppressive shadows, surrounded by a symphony of haunting moans echoing in the desolate air. Dust and debris clung to her like a shroud, and with every shallow breath, the taste of fear lingered on her lips.

The weight of isolation pressed down, amplifying the distant groans of the undead. Yet, amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope flickered as distant footsteps approached. The promise of rescue hung in the air, a beacon slicing through the darkness, as the trapped survivor, Aya, clung to the belief that salvation was only moments away.

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