Shadows Unleashed

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In the dimly lit confines of the base, Aaron's confrontation with Jayden takes an unexpected turn. As accusations fly, Jayden, pushed to his limit, reveals a startling truth.

"You want to know the truth, Aaron?" Jayden's voice cuts through the tension. "I'm not the one hiding something. It's you." The revelation hangs in the air, leaving Aaron stunned.

Before Aaron can process this revelation, a distant sound interrupts the confrontation. A low, guttural moan echoes from the base's entrance, growing louder and more sinister with each passing moment. The group's attention shifts, realizing that the true threat isn't within but beyond their sanctuary.

The base's alarms blare to life as the group rushes to secure their defenses. The post-apocalyptic night, once a backdrop to their internal conflicts, becomes the stage for a relentless horde of zombies descending upon them.

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