Flickering Alliances

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As night falls, a sudden power outage plunges the mall into darkness. Emergency backup lights flicker, revealing the group's worried expressions.

The intermittent hum of generators outside signals a potential issue, prompting Q and Jayden to head towards the mall's power room.

Upon investigation, they discover that the generators are failing, and without a stable power source, the mall's defenses, including security cameras and barricades, are compromised. The vulnerability puts everyone on edge, especially with the ever-present threat of zombies lurking in the vicinity.

In the mess of the power outage, the group figured only two could head out for those damn generator supplies. Shit got tense when Jayden found out he's stuck with Aya.

"She's a rookie, man! Just got here. What if she died? Trust me, I'm not gonna play hero for her," Jayden grumbled, clearly not thrilled.
Aya, not taking it lying down, fired back, "I'm not some helpless newbie, Jayden. I can handle myself just fine."
The argument kicked off, a few choice words thrown around as they went at it. The group watched, half worried, half annoyed, as Jayden and Aya clashed over the plan.

the last kiss.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat