Unveiling Shadows

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Late one night, the base is shrouded in darkness, and the flickering lights cast long shadows across the worn-out walls. Aaron, unable to shake off his suspicions, confronts Jayden privately about the concealed wound on his arm.

"What the fuck, Aaron?" Jayden retorts, a mixture of surprise and defensiveness in his voice. "We let you in our group, and you do this?" His eyes pierce through the dim light, challenging Aaron to justify his accusation.

The tension escalates rapidly as Aaron, fueled by a potent mix of resentment and mistrust, doesn't hold back. "You think you can just hide things? We're surviving together, and you pull this shit?" His words hang heavy in the air, echoing in the confined space.

The argument intensifies, reaching a boiling point. Fists fly, and the echoes of their confrontation reverberate through the silent base. Jayden, usually composed, retaliates against Aaron's accusations.

"You little pussy, I know you like Aya, but that doesn't even have anything to do with this, haha," Aaron taunts, further stoking the flames of their conflict.

As their fists clash and tempers flare, the base becomes a battleground of emotions.

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