Forged Bonds

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Suddenly, a girl came in. "Sup Q, don't you think we should go sterilise her for any bites?" Q jumped up, "Oh, yeah.
Alright I'm coming!"

"Hey babe," Ha-ri called to Q, "can you grab the bandages from the storage room?" Aya, with a puzzled expression, looked at Jayden for clarification.
Jayden, with a sly grin, explained,

"Yeah, they're a couple. Found each other after the zombies hit the east.
Love blossoms in the weirdest places, huh?" Aya, now enlightened, couldn't help but smile

With the bandages neatly in place, Ha-ri grinned at Aya. "You're officially part of the survivor crew now," she exclaimed. "Wanna meet the others?"

Aya nodded eagerly, and the group made their way to a communal area where a diverse mix of adults and young adults gathered. Q chimed in,

"Yeah, it's just us - me, Jayden, Ha-ri, and my sister Iris. She's out scavenging with a few others right now, but we like to stick together. Strength in numbers, you know?"

As introductions unfolded, Aya found herself amidst a makeshift family forged by the trials of survival.

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