Survivor' s Waltz

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So, they decide to face the zombie mob head-on. Jayden, being the badass of the group, starts things off by dodging those undead suckers left and right. Then, out comes his hockey stick, and he's like a zombie-sweeping tornado, knocking them out like it's just another day at the rink.

Aaron, not one to be outdone, takes his makeshift spear and goes to town, stabbing and slashing through the horde. Aya, despite being a newbie in the apocalypse game, follows their lead and manages to hold her own.

It's like this synchronized chaos, but somehow, they pull it off. The flickering lights add this eerie vibe as the trio stands there, victorious, surrounded by downed zombies. The post-apocalyptic night ain't got nothing on this crew's teamwork and survival skills. They came, they saw, they whooped some zombie butt.

Finally reaching the exit of the shopping aisle, Aya and Aaron catch their breaths, only to realize that Jayden is nowhere to be seen. In a moment of concern, Aaron dismisses the idea of going back for him, saying, "It's fine, we don't need him. He's probably near the zombies. If you go after him, you'll die."

But Aya's not having it. Determination flashes in her eyes as she declares, "No! I need to get him. I don't care what you think; I need to save him!" Without hesitation, she takes off, running towards the danger, and Aaron, after a moment's pause, follows her.

the last kiss.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن