Unspoken Observations

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As the group trickles back into the base, the air thickens with a mix of relief and tension. Aya and Jayden return, seemingly unscathed, but Aaron's keen eyes catch a subtle shift in Jayden's demeanor. He's more talkative, a departure from his usual reserved self.

One day, Aaron notices Jayden engrossed in conversation with Isla near the med-bay supplies. The sight is unexpected, and Aaron's suspicion deepens. He discreetly watches as their discussion unfolds, catching glimpses of shared smiles and exchanged glances.

Unspoken words hang heavy in the air as Aaron wrestles with conflicting emotions. His disdain for Jayden, rooted in the belief that Jayden has feelings for Aya, collides with the realization that there might be more to the story. The pieces of the puzzle slowly come together, forming a picture that Aaron wasn't prepared to see.

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