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[A week later Tim and Lucy are holding hands as they walk past the rookies. Her pregnancy is becoming more visible, but the rookies think she's just gaining weight]

Tim- "It's getting noticeable. We should tell everyone soon"

Lucy- "At the end of shift" she said as she gave him a kiss and walked off.

[Dixon got the shop set up and Lucy got in. They stopped at a convenience store]

Dixon- "While we are here I'm gonna go to the bathroom"

Lucy- "Make it fast boot"

[Dixon goes into the bathroom and checks every stall before taking her duty belt off. As she sat down. A hand came over the top of the stall and stole her duty belt. Dixon runs outside and sees Lucy standing outside the shop waiting]

Dixon- "Did anyone run out here? Some one took my belt and gun. I hung it on the hook and I secured the bathroom before hand. There was no one else in there." she said freaking out

Lucy- "Did the walls of the stall reach too to bottom?"

Dixon- "No ma'am" she said angrily


[They were interrupted by a call. Lucy's phone rang]


Hey T, what is it?

Luce please help

What's wrong

[she was interrupted by a man screaming at Tamara]

T where are you

My uncles

i'm on my way

•••call ends•••

Lucy- "get in"

Dixon- "What about my belt"

[Lucy pulls out Dixon's belt from the drivers seat.]

Lucy- "GET IN"

[They get in the car and turn on the lights. They arrive at Tamara's uncles apartment]

Lucy- "Stay here boot"

[Lucy gets out and goes up to Tam as she sees her uncle yelling at her]

Lucy- "Go get her stuff. I said go get her stuff" she says as she reaches for her gun.

[They get Tamara's stuff and go to the shop.

Lucy- "BOOT get in the back"

[Dixon gets in the back]

Lucy- "What happened"

Tam- "My apartment isn't ready yet. When I told him I needed to stay longer his girlfriend freaked out. She doesn't like me."

Lucy- "I'm dropping you off at Tim and I's new house and you're staying with us. Our house is big. We have plenty of room."

Tam- "Thanks Luce. You guys are the closest thing to parents I have"

Lucy- "You are family kid. I'm dropping you off there. We will be back after shift"

[They arrive at Lucy and Tim's house]

Tam- "It's beautiful. Bigger than Tim's old house.]

Lucy- "There's 1 spare on the main level, 2 downstairs. Our room is upstairs along with 2 other rooms. Feel free to jump into the pool."

Tam- "I'll take the farthest room from you" she said laughing

Lucy- "Wowww T. Love you see you later"

[They go back to the station. Angela, Nyla, and Tim are sitting at a table. Harvey and Voss sitting at the table next to them. Lucy joins her friends and Dixon joins hers. Officer Kline sits down with us]

Kline- "This has been one rough day" he said as he sprawled out

Lucy- "Why did you sit here"

Kline- "We are all friends around here right?"

Angela- "No actually we aren't"

Kline- "Chen here is my friend, right?"

Lucy- "No we aren't friends Kline. You are lazy and don't know what real work is. Your definition of a rough and hard day is writing ticket. You do lousy police work. I don't see you getting into shootouts and running after suspects. You are only on the job for the badge and gun. A gun that you don't even use because all you are useful for is writing tickets all day long. You might as well go turn in your papers and resign."

[Tim, Angela, and Nyla tried to contain their laughter but they couldn't any longer and they started busting out laughing. Lucy sat there with a straight face]

Lucy- "If you didn't get the hint Kliner. Let me make it more clear. We don't like you. You are a bad cop. Now leave our table and leave us alone."

[Kliner gets up and runs away]
[The dream team are still laughing as hard as they can]
[Lucy said that loud enought for the Rookies to hear]
[The rookies were left speechless]

[A few hours later their shifts were ending]
[Tim and Lucy walked up the stairs]

Tim- "I need everyone's attention"

Yes sir everyone shouts

Tim- "You guys are probably wondering why I needed all of your attention. I'm gonna let Detective Lucy Chen take it away."

Lucy- "Hey everybody In 5 months there will be 2 new additions to the station."

[Everyone is looking around confused until one of the rookies speaks"

Voss- "Like more rookies?"

Lucy- "Well if you asked Sergeant Bradford he would probably say yes, but technically no.

Grey- "Get to the point Lucy"

Lucy- "We are pregnant"

Celina- "There's gonna be a baby boot!!

Tim- "Actually guys. There will be 2 baby boots because we are having twins!!"

All of their friends start cheering.

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