Plain Clothes Day

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[Lucy is now 7 months pregnant. Everyone is in the roll call room. The TO's are in plain clothes]

Tim- "Everyone today is a special day"

Dicon- "Why are our TO's in regular clothes"

Tim- "As I was saying today is a special day. Most rookies wash out before today. For your first hundred shifts your training officers have been there to guide the way, not today. Today is plain clothes day."

Harvey- "If I may. What is plain clothes day"

Tim- "Your TO's will be out of uniform riding with you in a strictly observational capacity. They will not advise, assist, or help you in any way. Every decision will be yours to make. Today you are alone and that should scare the hell out of you. This will be a true measure of where you are in the learning process and your performance today could have a profound impact on your career path in this department. Any questions?"

Dixon- "Sir, what happens if we get into real trouble?"

Tim- "Deal with it and if you can't. Your TO will step in, but make no mistake because if that happens you will be judged. Good luck out there. Dismissed"

[They leave roll call. Angela, Nyla, and Lucy are talking to each-Other. Their boots are hovering behind them]

Lucy- "I remember my plain clothes day like it was yesterday."

Angela- "You ended up doing great"

Nyla- "Doesn't it feel nice to be out of the uniform though?"

Lucy- "Yes, it's so uncomfortable being in that uniform when I'm getting big. Tim offered to let me ride in regular clothes since the day we found out about the twins, but I told him no special treatment. I might have to take him up on that offer soon."

Angela- "I'm glad I got pregnant with Jack right after I switched to detectives."

Lucy- "Technically I'm a detective but I chose to take on a rookie this year. I wasn't expecting to get pregnant. 2 months into a relationship"

Dixon- "Ma'am"

Lucy- "What the hell boot. Go set up the shop. I'm not here."

[Lucy goes and checks the shop after her rookie gets it set up]

Lucy- "TIMM! she yells and the rookie looks at her"

Tim- "Yes Luce?"

Lucy- "My rookie only put one war bag into the shop. I need you to get me mine."

Tim- "I'll be right back"

[Tim brings Lucy her war bag and puts it in the back of the shop.]

Lucy- "thank you babe"

[Lucy kisses Tim and goes to the passenger door]

Lucy- "What are you doing"

Dixon- "You always drive"

Lucy- "I'm not here today boot"

[Dixon runs over to the drivers seat and they leave the station]

[7 adam 19 we have a 459 and 106 mockingbird dr]

Dixon- "7 adam 19 show us responding"

[They get to the house]

Dixon- "Dispatch I am code 4 at my location. Entering the house now"

[Lucy stands behind Dixon as they go to the door. The door is broken open. They walk in and Dixon searches the house]

Dixon- "Dispatch I need and RA to my location one unconscious but breathing. I also need Detectives at my location. There's a DB on sight."

[Somebody tries running]


[Dixon cuffs and searches him. She takes his phone, wallet, and keys]

[Detective Lopez arrives on scene]

Angela- "I heard you needed detectives"

Dixon- "I got a suspect, but I don't know if he was the only one."

Angela- "We will have to wait to see if this victim wakes up."

[The ambulances arrive  and take the DB and other victim]

Angela- "Take your suspect back to the station"

[Dixon and Lucy take their suspect back to the station. Dixon sits down to do paperwork. Lucy is right outside the door from where her rookie is. Tim walks up to her]

Tim- "Hey how's today going"

Lucy- "Well, she only put one ear bag in the car, she sat in the passengers seat and took the suspects keys into evidence, but not his car."

Tim- "What did you do"

Lucy- "Got it impounded"

Tim- "I'll let you have a chat with her"

[Lucy walks into the break room. She sees her rookie opening the evaluation she gave her]

•• It read••

I said AFTER your shift

[Dixon turned around and seen Lucy]

Lucy- "I know everything you're gonna do boot. Just like I knew you wouldn't process all your suspects property. "

Dixon- "What are you talking about. I took everything Todd Collins had, wallet, phone, keys."

Lucy- "mhm so tell me how did he get to where you arrested him?"

Dixon- "He drove. Like I said I have his car keys.

Lucy- "But not his car."

[They rush back to the house and the car isn't there]
[Dispatch told Dixon that the car was impounded]

Dixon- "You had the car impounded?" she said angrily

Lucy- "Once it was clear you overlooked that detail."

Dixon- "Then why did we race over here?"

Lucy- "So you could discover your own mistake. That's what today is all about boot."

Dixon- "And it's just a bonus that you just get to humiliate me" she said with anger

Lucy- "Don't blame me for the fact that you let yourself get raddled by one dubious look. You make it out here and find yourself riding solo, these streets will test you in ways you didn't think possible. The only way to survive is to control your environment at all times."

Dixon- "You're pretty talkative for a silent observer."

[Hours go by and shift is about to end]

Tim- "Everyone drinks on me"

[Angela, Nyla, Celina, Aaron, Nolan, Bailey, Lucy, Tim, and the boots are out drinking. Lucy is just there to talk since she's pregnant]

Angela- "So Luce. Are you waiting until you give birth to find out the sex"

Lucy- "Yes, I want to be surprised"

Nyla- "Well auntie Nyla can't wait to see her nieces"

Lucy- "You think they are 2 girls?"

Nyla- "I do"

Celina- "It's gonna be a boy and a girl."

Bailey- "I have come to trust Celina's instincts."

Nolan- "If that's what Celina thinks than I agree with her"

[They all go home]

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