The Arrivals

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[A month goes by and everyone is at the station]

Angela- "How are the babies"

Lucy- "I feel like i'm about to pop."

Nyla- "Twins do tend to come early."

Lucy- "Don't jink it."

[Everyone is walking to roll call, Lucy gets interrupted by her water breaking]

Lucy- "Ang get Tim"

Angela- "TIMOTHY BRADFORD" she yells as loud as she can. Now everyone is looking at them.

[Tim runs over]

Tim- "You know better than to scream across the station"

Angela- "Yea well tell that to you children. They want to make an early appearance."

Tim- "Oh my god. Hold on come into the roll call ro real quick"

[They go into the roll call room]

Tim- "Everyone Sergeant Grey is going to take over. If you need me don't call me or text me. I'll be at the hospital having our children. If you interrupt us, you will be out on desk duty until my kids turn 18."

[Tim pick up Lucy bridal style and runs to the car]
[They arrive at the hospital. Tim is screaming that his wife is in labour. They get out in a room. Lucy chose to do without an epidural because she knows the worst thing that could happen if she gets one. After 10 crucial hours the babies finally make their arrival. They spend an hour deciding on names]

Doctor- "There are some people wanting to see you"

Lucy- "lLet everyone in"

[A few minutes later the room is crowded with [Angela, Nyla, Bailey, Celina, Dixon, Harvey, Voss, Aaron, and Nolan]

Angela- "Soo do I have neices or nephews."

Tim- "One of each"

Celina- "I told you guys"

Nyla- "What are their names"

Lucy- " Harlow Angel Bradford and Grayson James Bradford. We decided on these names because we wanted to name them after some of the important people in our lives so, Harlow is similar to Harper and Angel for her middle name because it is almost Angela. Greyson is after Sergeant Grey."

Nyla- "I am so honoured. Can I see my Neice?"

Lucy- "Of course" she said as she passed her daughter to Nyla.

Lucy- "Ang do you want to hold you nephew?"

Angela- "I would love to."

Tim- "Angela we have something to ask you."

Angela- "Yes?"

Tim- "A conversation came up between Lucy and I. Bring that our job is very risky. We never know if we are going to come home alive. Both of our parents aren't involved in our lives. We were wondering if you would take the twins if anything happened to us."

Angela- "Yes Yes Yes."

[They are talking for a while. Angela and Nyla have to leave]

Lucy- "Celina you can hold Harlow if you would like to and Aaron you can take Greyson."

[After a while Celina and Aaron left. Bailey and Nolan now have a baby in each of their hands]

Bailey- "John"

Nolan- "Yes?"

Bailey- "We should have a baby."

Nolan- "Um. We could talk about it."

Bailey- "Okay, but do you see how adorable these babies are."

[They talk and then Bailey and Nolan leave. Now it's just the three rookies there. Lucy has been easier on Dixon lately]

Lucy- "You can hold one of my kids as long as you don't lose em like you lost your duty belt." she said laughing.

[Dixon and Harvey were each holding a baby. Tim and Lucy were talking to the rookies. After a while Tamara runs into the room]

Tamara- "Sorry I was at school"

Lucy- "It's okay T. Meet your siblings."

[T goes and hugs Tim and Lucy]

Tim- "Hey T is everything okay?" he says as Tamara in crying into his shoulder.

Tamara- "You guys make me feel so safe and loved."

Lucy- "Aww T come here."

[Lucy and Tim are giving Tamara a hug]

Lucy- "Give me kids boot!"

[Lucy gets her kids back and hands her daughter to Tamara]

Tim- "Now get out boots!"

[ Just because they have been a little nicer doesn't mean they are going to make it easy on those rookies]

I know this chapter was a short one.

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