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[1 week later. Wesley is at work. Lucy and her rookie pull up to the hospital in their shop. They walks into the hospital and goes up to Angela's room. They open the door.]

Lucy- "Transports here" she said with a smile on her face."

Angela- "Thank you. You really didn't have to. You already have done enough."

Lucy- "It's okay really. Jack, Zoe, and the rest of us have had a blast. We can keep them for another night, so you can get settled in."

Angela- "Thank you. Could you bring them by, so I could see them for a few though?"

Lucy- "Of course. After shift. We are here to pick you up and take you to your house. Tamara is there to help you out until Wesley gets home."

Angela- "Thank you."

Lucy- "Of course"

[Angela gets discharged. They go down to the car and Lucy helps Angela in. They arrive at Angela's and Lucy helps her inside to where Tamara is waiting for them.]

Lucy- "Okay. We have to head out on patrol, but after shift I'll go get the kids and bring them to you. We can hangout for a bit and then we can take your kids for another night."

Angela- "Love you. See you soon"

Lucy- "Love you too."

[Lucy and Dixon go out on patrol. They are on a collision call now inside of a guys apartment.]

Lucy- "Ever heard of the DEAR method? D-E-A-R"

Dixon- "No"

Lucy- "They're four principles of concealment. First is deception. D. Deception shows you one thing when it's really something else." she said as she grabbed a fake soda can out of the fridge.

lucy- "E is for elusive. It appears to be nothing when it's really something.

Lucy- "A for access. Things hard to get to. High places, low places." she said as she pulled drugs out of the light.

Lucy- Which brings us to R. R is for repulsive. Toilets, garbage, porn collection. Anything that makes you want to puke makes a crook want to hide things there."

Dixon- "You've got to be kidding me."

Lucy- "Might want to glove up. I saw a box of sex toys in the master bedroom and don't forget the toilet. Search before you flush."

Dixon- "Wait. Why do I have to be R? I don't want to be R. I could be elusive or deceptive or something.

[Lucy stares at her and Dixon grabs her gloves and goes to search the master bedroom. 20 minutes later she comes out and Lucy has a table full of stuff she found. Dixon found nothing.]

Dixon- "What the hell?"

Lucy- "What" she said staring at her

Dixon- "I've been back there for 20 minutes digging through caligula's toy chest and you've had this the whole time?" she said aggravatingly.

Lucy- "Well not the whole time. It took me 3 or 4 minutes. You find anything?"

Dixon- "Yeah, horrid filthy things." she said in disgust as she took her gloves off.

[after the call they take the guy to the station for processing. Nyla walks over to them.]

Nyla- "Hey Luce, Can we talk?"

Lucy- "Of course. Go do paperwork boot"

[Dixon and Harvey goes to do paperwork]

Lucy- "Come on let's go talk in the truck"

[They go out and get in Tim's truck]

Lucy- "Hey, is everything okay?"

Nyla- "Yes, well I don't know."

Lucy- "Talk to me. Tell me what's going on."

Nyla- "I don't know. I feel down. I have felt down the last few days. The last time I felt this guilt was when I was under cover and that thing that happened with my handler." she said as her eyes started to sparkle as tears built up in her eyes as she was holding them back trying not to let them fall.

Lucy- "Look at me"

[Nyla looks at her]

Lucy- "This is a safe place. Right here with me is a safe place. You can let those tears out. Crying is completely normal and healthy. i'll always be your shoulder to cry on. What happened with your handler when you were undercover was not your fault. He was supposed to be a safe place that you could talk to. A person you didn't have to pretend to be someone else with. He took advantage of you and in no world is that your fault. What happened to Angela is not your fault. Dixon froze when the bullets started flying and the person responsible for her getting shot is only the person who shot that gun. I love you Nyla and none of it is your fault. I need you to know that." she said pulling Nyla in for a hug and her tears started dripping from her eyes.

Nyla- "I have never truly felt safe until I met you and Angela. The thought of losing one of you. The thought and really that we all have just through especially Angela really hit me Lucy." she said with tears flooding her eyes.

Lucy- "Hey shh shh I know. Just rest on me for a few and then we will get up and finish our day. You'll ride with Tim and I to my house to grab Jack and Zoe to go see Angela."

Nyla- "Okay"

[An hour goes by and Lucy gets a call on her radio. 7 adam 19 can you answer this noise complaint]

Lucy- "Show us responding"

[Lucy wakes Nyla up who is sleeping against her]

Lucy- "Get in the shop. I'll go and let Tim know to put the rookies on desk duty"

Nyla- "Okay"

[Lucy runs to Tim's office]

Lucy- "Can you let the rookies know they are in desk duty. Nyla's going through something and I'm having. her ride with me for the last hour of shift"

Tim- "Okay"

[Lucy rushes to the shop and they leave the station to go and answer the noice complaint]
[They finish the call and head back to the station]
[Nyla goes with Tim and Lucy back to their house. Lucy and Nyla put Jack and Zoe in the car. Lucy, Nyla, and the kids head over to Angela's house. They hangout for a while. Lucy drops Nyla off at her house after. Lucy goes home to her twins and fiancé. Everyone goes to sleep.]

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