Highschool Reunion Pt. 2

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A couple of hours have gone by and they went to get the twins from the airstrip. They headed back to the house and everyone settled down for sleep.

The next morning, Lucy woke up first to feed the twins and get them and herself ready for the day. She showered and made breakfast for her and her husband. Shortly after Lucy went downstairs, Tim woke up and showered, before heading downstairs. They put the twins in the pack-n-play and ate breakfast together.

Tim had his daughter, while Lucy had their son. They snuggled up on the couch and watched shows all day, until it was getting closer to the time they'd have to start leaving for the high-school.

Lucy had a knee length red dress on, while Tim had a typical black tux on. They put the twins in their car seat and headed off towards the high-school. They got out and tied the wraps around them before taking the babies out and putting them in the wraps.

They headed inside and she got her name tag. She was the only one with her kids there, but they didn't expect any different. They walled towards the main area and were getting stopped every few feet, as people were cooing over the babies.

Lucy- "You can get a beer if you want."

Tim- "No. We have the babies with us. I don't care about drinking."

Lucy- "Okay."

After a half an hour, some of Lucy's old bullies came up to her husband who was walking around with his daughter in the wrap while she was in the bathroom breastfeeding their son.

"Hey" Kylie and Hailey said at the same time.

Tim- "Uh hi" he said awkwardly wishing his wife would come back soon.

Kylie- "Your baby is adorable. What's your name?"

Tim- "Um Tim"

Hailey- "Are you single. I would love to be a mom."

Tim- "I have a wife"

Kylie- "What's her name? I'm sure she wouldn't mind sharing."

Tim- "Her name is Lucy"

Hailey- "We knew a Lucy in high-school" the girls said laughing.

By this point Tim had texted Kucy to get out there because 2 women were making him feel uncomfortable. Lucy put Greyson back into the wrap and walked out.

Kylie- "Oh my god is that Lucy?"

Hailey- "Hi Lucy. It's been a while and now you have a kid. You must be raising it alone."

Lucy- "I have 2 children" she said as her phone started ringing.

Lucy- "Babe it's Grey"

Kylie- "Did she just call him babe"

Tim- "Answer it on speaker so I can hear"

••Stg. Grey••

Lucy- Sarge is everything okay. Your on speaker with Tim.

Grey- It's bad detective. I need you and Sergeant Bradford to stay in Seattle until we get this situation controlled.

Tim- "What situation? I'm the metro sergeant you are gonna need me."

Lucy- "I'm the only detective that isn't in protective custody right now."

Grey- "We have to keep everyone safe. That means you and Tim will stay in Seattle for the sake of your twins. Understand."

Lucy- "Yes sir. Keep us updated."

••Call Ends••

Lucy- "We should go back to the house, so I can do some digging."

Tim- "We are supposed to be away from the weekend. How about you do that on Monday."

Lucy- "Okay."

Kylie- "So like you guys are married"

Tim- "Yes and who even are you"

Lucy- "That's Kylie and Hailey. they used to bully me."

Tim- "That's our cue to walk away."

As they started walking away.

Hailey- "Wait handsome. I wanted to go out with you."

Lucy- "He's married and has a family."

Hailey- "I wouldn't mind being a mom."

Tim- "You'd suck at it."

Kylie- "No she wouldn't"

They walk away from the 2 women and spot Rachel. They head over to her.

Lucy- "Hey Rachel"

Rachel- "Awe you have the babies with you"

Lucy can't help but see a man spiking a woman's drink. She takes her son out of the wrap and quickly hands him to Rachel. Shes more than happy to take him, but Tim can tell she's distracted by something, but before he knows it, Lucy is confronting someone.

Lucy- "Don't drink that. He put something in it"

"No I didn't, you crazy bitch" he said as he started to swing at Lucy.

Lucy caught his arm and twisted behind his back.

Lucy- "You are under arrest for assaulting a police officer and spiking that woman's drink with intent to rape. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you do or say will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you free of charge. Do you understand these rights as I have read them?"

By this point everyone had stopped what they were doing and looked at the chaos that was happening. Tim walked over to her.

Lucy- "Call Seattle PD"

Tim- "I can't leave you alone for 5 minutes can I"

Lucy- "We're cops. I can't turn my cop brain off. Even if I wasn't, I wouldn't have let him get away with what he was trying to do. You remember what happened when I went to Los Torres bar in LA"

Tim- "I know babe. Seattle PD is almost here"

The police show up. Tim and Lucy flash their badges to the police and hands the suspect over. After the suspect gets in the back of the shop, Lucy goes through what had happened.  After the police left, The woman that she had helped came up to the couple.

"I don't know how to thank you"

Lucy- "What's your name? also don't worry about it, it's my job"

"My name's Rylie."

Lucy- "I'm-"

Rylie- "I know who you are. All throughout high school, I wanted to look like you. You were and still are so pretty."

Lucy- "Thank you. You are also beautiful yourself"

After she got her son back into her arms and they talked for a while, Tim and Lucy decided to head back the house and go to sleep.

Part 3? Bowling Night?

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Mar 12 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

The RookieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon