Early Intrigues

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I dwelled in the silent hours of dawn, feeling uneasy due to a missing tranquility and darkness as profound as ink, I found myself caught in a recurring dream, sensing a hand entangling with strands of my hair, leaving me doubtful whether it was a wild imagination or a shifting reality.

As I pondered in that state, a gap of unconsciousness surprised me, placing me inside a room surrounded by profound darkness, I exclaimed loudly. "Where are you, Lady Cassandra?" Yet, my voice received no response, reinforcing my belief that I was alone in that dark room, which remained sealed as I attempted to leave.

Deciding to close my eyes and return to sleep, I tried to regain serenity, minutes passed peacefully, but then I felt another hand touching my hair, as if it were a tangible experience, not just a part of a dream, intensifying my mental disturbance and causing a swift upheaval.

As I raised my eyes, they fell directly on Bela's temple area, a peculiar effect appeared, resembling the aftermath of a broken skin, as if the region suffered from a state of deformity, the subtle break in the skin revealed an impact that seemed to be the result of some operation.

We exchanged glances, and her soft, blonde hair cascaded onto my face with cool touches, accompanied by a smile, from her emanated a scent blending floral fragrance with an iron-like character, evoking a taste of blood, intensifying my sense of smell.

I thought her smile was just a jest, expecting her to retreat a few steps back, so I closed my eyes in disregard, attempting to return to sleep, however she forcefully decided to remove the cover, and there was a voice pronounced with some sharpness, startling me awake.

"Why are you still lying on this bed? is this your maximum energy level?"

"The weather is cold today, please, give me a cover."

"My obedience or your pride? I'll have both, but I give you the choice."

"I wonder how much time you'll waste trying to teach me how to live."

"Don't bother pondering, I enjoyed my amusement at the expense of those terrifying moments for you, you prove to be a good source of inspiration in entertainment."

"Those were moments of panic, where terror engulfed me as if I were drowning in a nightmarish abyss."

"I know your sleep wasn't peaceful, perhaps you were swaying in troubled dreams."

"How did you know about my dreams?"

"I was listening to your whispers, uttering words in your sleep, pleading with someone not to leave as others did."

"Yes, those were recurring visions following the same story of the dream with hidden pain."

"Is this person one of us?" She asked with a subdued smile.

"It's.. a separative effect from my acquaintances after my arrival here and my clinging destiny to this place."

"Of course, entering places isn't like exiting." Her fingers touched my cheeks, wrapped around my waist, I slightly pull back as she sensed hesitation and a light touch of fear in me, she said. "Tell me, what do you feel?"

"Severe headache, heaviness in the middle of my chest, lethargy, a desire to sleep."

Bela continues to run her hand over my forehead, touching the features of my face, attempting to read my emotions through them. "How can I understand when you're having a good or bad day?"

"Your intention from the beginning was to gain joy, who are you really?"

"I'm just a playful companion, does that bother you?"

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