The start✨️

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Once there was a happy land, with the five nations. Ice, Earth, Fire, Electricity, and Water. All on the same level, until the Fire Nation started everything....
In the war, they almost lost the Ice and Earth nation. The Fire and water nation made a friendship, while the Electricity nation left for a nicer place to be. Only some Electricity people go to some of the nations and make friends. While the Earth and Ice people don't even have land to live on so they live secretly in the Fire and Water nation.
The Fire Nation has very strict royal family rules. Like rat out any Ice or Earth person, or follow ALL king's rules or else. The soon-to-be king of the Fire Nation had to find a queen for him, but something just didn't match. He didn't want one. He even didn't want to be the king, but he didn't have a choice.
All this started in the morning when the Fire Nations prince Kai was walking down a street, trying to not be noticed or be recognized. At the same time, the Earth Nations prince Cole was doing the same, but if he were seen his head would be off.
While walking, Kai had bummed into someone as they were shopping and they both fall on the ground. While falling the person's head cover slipped off and revealed THE Earth Nations prince. Kai's enemy.
-hupmf!- both said as they fell on the floor.
-Excuse...You!!- Kai screamed as he recognized the boy in front of him. Kai jumped up fast as he started to shout for some of his soldiers to help him capture the Earth prince.
Cole was froze. He didn't know what to do. Run? Stay? Fight??? As he saw the soldiers coming closer he bolted. He has never ran that fast in his life. While running he turned his head back to check if he was safe, but saw the Fire prince running to him. He had no choice, but to use his powers. It was hard doing that while running, but he managed to make a medium earthquake. Enough to make the Fire Prince fall on the ground. After some time of running, he was safe. He walked home to his best friend Zane. Zane is the Ice Nations prince. Both of them had become friends even before the war. Zane and Cole are living in a nice cabin in the forest, away from everyone. Both of them want the same thing. To find their families and see if they are alive and fine.
Cole had been walking for about 20 min until he saw the warm and nice cabin.
-Zane! I'm home!- Cole shouted as he was removing his shoes.
-Cole. How are you? Go get a shower. You are dirtier than dirt!- Zane said with a surprised face as he saw the state of Cole.
-Yea, yea. Oh! Here are the groceries that you asked for.- Cole extended his hand with a bag of groceries.
-Thanks.- Zane thanked him as went into the kitchen to start making dinner.
Cole was covered in small cuts. He went into the bathroom and hopped into the shower, making sure to clean every cut so they didn't get infected. It felt amazing to feel the warm water run down his body. After running for so long it was deserved, but he didn't stay there for long, or else his mind would wander and he would start remembering bad stuff. Like from his past. After the shower, he got dressed and went down for some of Zane's amazing cooking.
--Pov Kai--
Ugh...I had let the prince run away. Dam it. I was so close. Right now I'm heading back to my kingdom to get my hand healed. Because when I fell onto the ground I scratched my hand on a sharp rock. It wasn't deep, just annoying. I wish I had used my powers on him. That would have put him into the ground.
When I got back I first went to the medical office for the cut. All they did was wrapped my hand. Great.
While they did that I kept remembering the face of the Earth prince. He was tan, had black eyes, and medium-long black hair. Not going to lie, he was handsome. WHAT. Why did I just think of that!? Pull yourself together Kai! You can't be crushing on HIM!! Yea, I am gay? So what? Well, I am bi, but still. Only Nya my strong and independent sister and my adopted brother Lloyd know about that. I CAN'T tell that to my dad, he would kill me right on the spot.
Now I was in my room. Laying in bed on my stomach while drawing. I wasn't the beast at it, but who cares? Suddenly I heard a knock on my door.
-Yes? Come in.- I had now gotten in a sitting position. The door slowly opened to reveal my younger brother Lloyd. I patted my bed. Signaling to sit next to me.
-Hey, Kai. I Heard about what happened today. Can I ask you something?- Lloyd sat next to me.
-Go ahead- I looked him straight in the eyes while he was trying not to look into my.
-I tried to ask our father, but he got mad. My question is: Why do we want to get rid of the Earth and Ice Nations? I don't understand. The poor people don't even have land to live on and act like us...-Lloyd explained with a confused face.
-Well...when the war started Ice and Earth didn't want to be in it. When our or the Water people tried to get in they were kicked out. Why? Because they didn't trust us. Our father was so mad that he got into fights with the Ice and Earth kings. He says that they hurt him so he had no choice, but to try and kill them or put them in prison. It's not our fault that both of those nations didn't want to surrender or not hurt our father. That's how our dad has a blind eye!- Kai explained with each word sounding more and more on the two nations. He was starting to heat up.
-Wow... hey Kai, relax.- Lloyd patted Kai's back to calm him down.
-When I become the king, I swear I swear, I'll kill them all!- Kai rose from his bed, razing his right arm.
Hello! This is my first story so if you find something wrong, please inform me!❤️

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