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--Pov Cole--
-Alright you ready?- I asked with a smile on my face.
-Wait! You didn't tell me what we were going to do!- Oh, right. Forgot. He must be really confused.
-Are you hungry?- I asked randomly. His face showed how confused he was by this random question.
-Sure?- he answered.
-Good! Because we are getting food, but the fun way!- I flashed my hands in the air. Clearly, he still didn't understand.
-Huff... Just follow my lead. And don't make noise, got it?- I asked seriously. He nodded. As I peeked my head up I saw the lady wasn't paying attention to her watermelons. Good.
I slowly got up and quickly hid behind the lady's stand where she couldn't see. I turned my head to Kai and signed him to do the same. As he did he almost blew our cower. I started at him a bit shaken.  he hasn't done this. Of course. He is the perfect prince. As I peeked up again I quickly got back down. The lady seemed to notice movement but didn't want to explore what it was. Kai snickered at me. I made sure that she wasn't looking this way i quickly grabbed a watermelon and signed to Kai to do the same. He did and only at that time he understood what they were doing. I slowly started to crawl into an alleyway. It was hard with the watermelon, but I managed. Turning around to Kai I saw his cover get caught by a nail.  As he moved to the alleyway that I was in the whole stand shook. Frick. The lady turned around quickly and noticed me and Kai with the watermelons in hand.
-Hey! STOP! You didn't pay for those! Someone get them!- The lady shouted. Her face was turning red because of her anger.
-Stop! I command you to stop!- Shit. It was the police sergeant. J had to get us out of here.
I grabbed Kai by the solder and we both started to run as fast as we could. We made multiple turns and twists to lose the sergeant. I had been so exhausted.  We stopped in an alleyway far from the town's market. Both of us didn't have enough breath to speak. Crap. He probably is super mad at me for making him steel. We shared a nice quiet until he finally spoke. Making me freeze.
-Huff....Huff...God...that was the...- Well there goes my friendship with the prince.
-Best and funniest thing I had ever done in my life! Did you see that lady's face? She was red as a tomato!- he laughed holding his somatic. I shocked! He enjoyed it! Now that I think about it she did have a face like that. I put the watermelon down as I laughed with him. Not going to lie, after that run, I'm super hungry and thirsty. So these watermelons will come in handy!
-We are going to eat these, right?- he asked putting the watermelon down too. Next to mine.
-Of course!- I answered with s smile. That he couldn't see. I sat down on the floor tapping the spot next to me on the floor. Surprisingly the ground here was pretty clean!
-But how are we going to eat these? We can't open them so easily and how we will eat them? Don't tell me with our hands...- he asked me with a little confused face.
-Like this!- I answered. Using some of my super strength, only the amount so my hands didn't glow. Didn't want him to know about my powers. The watermelon broke after I gave it some pressure.
-And is the prince too high and mighty to eat a watermelon with his hands? Of course! We need some gold plates for the soon-to-be king!- I answered with a mocking voice. I puffed up his cheeks and grabbed a piece.
-Give me that!- Kai stuffed his face with watermelon as I chuckled at his face and pettiness.
--Pov Kai--
We had finished one watermelon and he gave me the second to take home. Now both full we had a random conversation about our past. Well mostly me. He didn't seem too fond of sharing. After talking for an hour. It had started to become dark. We had to get home too! Cole got up and leaned on the wall as he grabbed a small box out of his pocket. Out of the box, he pulled a cigarette. A cigarette?! He smokes? I don't know if I should find that hot or disgusting. How could he even smoke with a mask? Will he show me his face finally? I snapped out of my thoughts as he asked me a question.
-You got a lighter?- He asked I only started at him. That the only thing I could do right now.
This one is long! See mistakes?
-All love by the author! ❤️

Cole X Kai Lava (Kingdom AU)Where stories live. Discover now