The fun time✨️

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(I just noticed how sus the title is.🥲)
--Pov Kai--
It had been two days. Before you know it, the whole "Oh yeah, you are going to marry this random girl and also you just met this random dude? You told him all your problems AND you didn't find out who he is and why he wears a mask!" Good job Kai. All day I could think was about him. How he looks under that mask.
-Kai?... Kai!- Skylar shouted at me while waving her hand in front of my face trying to get my attention. Oh and now he had to attend these sessions about knowing each other. It's stupid. All we do is ask questions about each other. Could be doing something better with my time.
-Yup. I'm listening!-I give her a quiet weird smile.
-Listen, I'm not interested in this whole "session" thing. So let's leave.- I sighed and got up to leave.
-Ummm... sure. Where are we going?-She asked as she got up to try and follow me.
-Well... I was thinking more like we split up. Do you know? Do our own thing...?- I asked trying to back away because she had come pretty close to me.
-Oh... Yea! Sounds cool. See you around?-  She huffed and turned around to walk away. I know I hurt her feelings a little, but that is not a problem I'm going to worry about. Now it is time to leave the castle and find the suspicious guy. Ops. Sorry. Ment Cole. What a good name.
Now that I'm out. (Witch wasn't the hardest thing to do) I headed to our spot to meet. On the way, I thought of what we were going to talk about or do. Talk more about my problems or maybe his? Showing what is under that mask? I want to know! By the time I was done with thinking I was at the spot. Listening to the waterfall I could understand that nothing changed.... except for the feeling of eyes on me. I turn around and see nobody.  Weird. As I turned to see the waterfall I saw a mask right in front of me. My first instinct was to smack it, but it barely dogged it.
-Woah! Huh. Sorry didn't mean to scare you.- The masked guy huffed as he turned his head to the side. I could only imagine him smiling under it. Wait! Mask guy! Cole!
-Cole! God, never do that again! It could have ended badly!- I scolded him, but nicely? He set next to me like he had not a care in his life.
-So... how has been the whole "marrying" thing going on?- He asked. Even made me chuckle at the marrying part.
-Meh... Now I have these weird sessions with her. It's about knowing something about each other. Hella weird. Luckily I was able to get out of it. Oh! And I had this question to ask you for these whole two days.- He had seemed to tense up at the end.
-Why do you wear this mask? And can I see it off?- I asked and with a soft tap on the mask. He tensed up again when I got closer to him.
-Ummm... I uhh... Do I look ugly under this mask?- He didn't seem to be too confident with his answer. I wanted to know the real truth.
-Wrong. Tell me the truth! You aren't that good at lying.- I said with a smug face and he huffed. He stayed quiet for a moment. Like thinking.
-Listen... I have these ugly scars. Like really ugly. And I'm not too confident about them. Alright?- He answered with his head down. I didn't mean to make him feel bad, but I just had to ask.
-wow... how did you get them?- I asked and again he posed. them from a fire accident. It was the same one I lost my mom...- He answered with now his head even lover. Great job Kai! You made him even more sad!
-...Do you want to talk about it?- I asked scared that I would make it even worse.
-Nope!- He got up and stretched.
-Let's leave and do something fun! Not dwell on the past.- He sed confident while reaching out his hand for me to grab and I did.
If you find something wrong please leave a comment❤️

Cole X Kai Lava (Kingdom AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz