The fall

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"What did you do morningstar?" as Gabriel ran up to meet a furious Lucifer, "I've never seen him so mad before so you had to do something to make our creature call a gathering!" as Lucifer continued to walk away ignoring Gabriel pestering, "luc..!", "look messager boy I didn't do anything that wasn't justifiable" as he continued to storm down the hallway leaving Gabriel dumfounded at his responds just as Raphael made his presence known next to Gabriel, "leave him let him calm down lets go we need to get to the great hall before the gathering begins" as both Raphael and Gabriel give one final glance back at Lucifer retreating figure as the gathering commence the room is in an uproar at the implication of the gathering just as the door to the room swings open and a stoic Lucifer March in with his head held high as he stand at the platform place in the middle of the chamber the crowd began to murmur at the implication just as a bright light envelope the room and a booming voice had every angel on its knees.

"Silence you are all gathered here today to bear witness a judgment of one of our own Lucifer Morningstar you were found guilty of corruption your disregard for my creation and leading them into this sexual and murdering act is more than enough!"

The crowd of angels began to murmur their anger passivel at the charges being said, "how can he do this?" some one stated. "He has done something unforgivable!" another stated.

"Silence!! Have you anything to say Lucifer?"

Lucifer stood their listening to the charges he still didn't know what his created find so interesting about his new creation humans he found the very beings disgusting they were easily persuaded and dive right in to anything with the slightest nudge so it was very interesting to see what else he could of done without being caught but apparently he wasn't careful enough and had been found out now here he was now, "I have nothing to say father!"he stated.

"Very well for your crime I hereby cast you out of heaven you are to spend the remainder of your immortal life in the underworld!"

Lucifer stood their frozen he couldn't believe what he had heard the room was absolutely silent as their creator just cast out one of his favorite child Gabriel and Raphael looked on at Lucifer stood their trying to process what had just been said just as a loud cry could be heard echoing around the room.

"You can't do this to me father, please! Forgive me you just can't abandon me to a life underneath their feet" Lucifer shouted as he looked at the now dimming light he couldn't help but look around at his brothers and sisters, "aren't you guys going to say something Gabriel, Raphael please anyone!"
But everyone just looked on in pity even Gabriel and Raphael didn't move or opened their mouth as the guards came towards a now furious Lucifer.

"I see so you guys just turn your back on me ok then this will not be the last you've seen of me I'll make you pay ILL MAKE YOU ALL PAY!!" Lucifer shouted just as the guards escorted a furious Lucifer out the chambers.

Gabriel looked on just as the door close shut and everyone was beginning to leave, " hey Raphael what are we going to do father just can't abandon him just like that?" Gabriel stated while eyeing Raphiel his face showing his sadness as well.

"Theirs nothing we can't do his judgment has been set in motion Lucifer is to be escorted out of heaven immediately you know fathers words is to be upheld" raphiel stated as he began to walk away leaving Gabriel standing their with tears in his eyes.

Lucifer still couldn't believe it his father actually kicked him out and none of his brothers or sisters came to his defense he was absolutely furious how could he do this to him no how could they do this to him I thought he loved me I thought they all did I guess love doesn't matter just if it's directed at him as the guards escorted him to the portal to the underworld just as he reach he noticed his brother Raphael standing at the entrance to the portal, " oh look if it isn't goody to shoo here to escort me to my knew home" Lucifer seethed.

Raphael sigh, "come on brother their was nothing I could of done to save you from your punishment you know fathers words is absolute!" he stated as Lucifer stalked towards him, "oh I don't know you could of said something any of you could of opened your mouth in my defense but noo my brother and sisters choose to abandon me!" Lucifer exclaimed as he marched towards the portal just as he was about to enter he turned back and gave Raphael a smile, "you all haven't seen the last of me be prepared because my fury will be unmatched and not even father wi be able to stop me!" Lucifer stated as he walked through the portal to his new home.

"So this were am supposed to be for the remainder of my immortality to be subjugated to his creation well then since he has gracefully given me power to punish the damed that I will do but I will remind them all of my fury" as I looked upon the dammed souls swimming in a sea of fire, "well then since he wants to judge me I have no problem judging his creation he abandoned calling them sinners!".

I will build my own castle and become my own king I will rule and plan until I have all of his creation placed in my hand then- I will destroy what he hold dear right in front of him,. lucifer stated with a sinister smile on his face as he prepared his new domain.

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