The date(part 3)

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"So Ramiel how did the confrontation with luc went?". Gabriel asked as he walked towards him as he sat on a nearby bench.

Ramiel snorted at Gabriel's question, "How do you think it went?" he grumbled showing off the injuries he had obtained from his battle with death.

Gabriel looked at Ramiel injury shocked evident on his face, "did he do that?".

"No, one of his minions did he Manage to catch me off guard!" . Ramiel stated as he picked up his weapon and began to walk away.

"So what are you going to do now?! Gabriel questioned.

Ramiel shrugged off Gabriel's question as he took off his mindset on finding Lucifer and stopping him once and for all.

Alyssa watched as Luke walked away she notice a subtle change in his mood as he stormed through the front door disappearing into the darkness.

Ramiel appeared at the restaurant where he felt Lucifer's presence he glanced through the window and spotted him with the female Lucifer noticed his presence and he smirked at his reaction just as he probably excuses himself from the women and the waiter.

Lucifer stormed outside towards his former brother, "it seems you haven't learned from the first time!" he stated as he eyed Ramiel with disdain.

"Oh you mean what your subordinate did?". Ramiel stated as he glanced at his wounded wing and shrugged, "now brother am not going to give you a warning like last time, leave now, and forget about the female in the restaurant!".

Lucifer shrugged his words off and laughed, "and what are you going to do? If I don't?".

In a flash, Ramiel had his sword pointed at Lucifer's throat, "then I'll make you!".

Lucifer didn't budge he stood their stone face not giving ramiel any satisfaction of a response.

"What nothing to say brother?". Ramiel tease.

With a shrug Lucifer use a finger to move Ramiel's sword from his throat, "it isn't that I have nothing to say brother it's that I don't want to mess up my suit with your blood". He shrugged.

With a snap of Lucifer's fingers, his suit disappeared and he was now dress in black pants and an armed shirt with another snap his sword appeared out of nowhere, and with quickness, Ramiel managed to clash with the end of his sword.

Alyssa sat at the table waiting for luke to return from his call her mind thinking nothing but the worse, "Maybe he's like the rest!". "He's probably not coming back!" with a sigh Alyssa called the waiter over, "can I have a bottle of wine please?" she stated as the waiter nodded and left.

The sound of metal hitting metal could only be heard by Lucifer and Ramiel as they continue to clash none wavering in their defenses as Lucifer followed Ramiel every movement as did Ramiel both were evenly match in some aspects but what Ramiel was lacking was the centuries Lucifer had honed his skills.

Clash after clash both Ramiel hit Lucifer were he thought their was an opening but in the end Lucifer managed to dodge every attempt and with grate skills Lucifer side step Ramiel dodging another strike using his sword Lucifer brought his sword forward slashing Ramiel straight across the chest

Ramiel stumbled back clutching his chest as blood spilled from the wound.

Lucifer smirked, leave now or my next strike won't miss!".

Ramiel growled out in anger as he gripped his sword again and prepared to strike again.
With a sigh Lucifer prepared for his next move already knowing what direction he would swing his sword as he ducked Dodging Ramiel downward swing with a sideways swing of his own cutting off Ramiel wing in the process.

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