The Interest

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"I've been doing this far too fucking long it's the same shit over and over ugh!- I need something interesting I need a challenge" Lucifer stated exasperatedly as he threw in his
Final damed soul for the day.

"Rebecc-a in my office now!". Lucifer shouted just as a blond female came strolling into the room, "you called on me sure?!". She spoke with her head bowed.

"I need you to find me a knew target i need a human who could challenge me someone who won't fall too easily to sin!". Lucifer stated as he eyed Rebecca.

"Yes sir as you wish". Rebecca stated as she summoned an unknown file in her hands, "well sir theirs Mitch right 40 years old has been contemplating robbing a bank and killing a few people but so far haven't done it yet" as she glanced at Lucifer.

"No did that it was fun by the way sadly Alex died by suicide by copes he's probably in the circle with the other souls who committed suicide that or the one for murderers I didn't care after he died next!" Lucifer stated.

"Well sir their is Sarah McBride 13 years old has been dabbling with drugs behind her parents back killed her pets when she was just ten all by drowning-" . Rebecca stated.

"Well that ones a bit young going on the psychotic side but too young I'll probably come back to her in a few years or so any Anyone else?". Lucifer stated with a bored expression.

"Hm- well their is one her name is Alyssa Louis 29 years old haven't committed no form of sin even when tempted with it single never been married or had kids and she's a supposed Christian-". Rebecca stated smugly as she looked at her kings face.

"Interesting! Someone who didn't bend to the world a goody goody and not to forget one of my supposed father servent, Rebecca were is this Alyssa located and where does she live? I might pay this one a personal visit!" . Lucifer stated with a smile on his face.

"Yes sir apparently she moved back to her home state of Miami after working in Chicago after she graduated high school she lives in her parents old house who have since passed on" . Rebecca stated.

As Lucifer got up he couldn't help but think of this interesting mortal one of his fathers creation someone who he hasn't tainted as yet with a sinister smile Lucifer March out of his office,. "Rebecca am a be gone for a while famine will hold the rein until I return understood?!" as Lucifer quickly walked away summoning up a portal and leaving Rebecca in the middle of his office.

As Lucifer appeared at the building where Alyssa supposedly work he couldn't help but look at the crowed of people with disgust even though they couldn't see him he still felt disgust towards his fathers creation especially when they appeared before him for their judgment as he strolled into the corporate office glancing round at the humans moseying about their business unaware of his presence just as he summoned up Alyssa file as he looked over her picture he heard a voice calling his suppose target.

"Alyssa Geesh girl your at least fifteen minute late". James exclaimed as he looked at a warned out Alyssa.

"I know, I know my car was having problems and then I had to catch the bus!" . Alyssa stated out of breath.

Lucifer glance at his new target with interest he was not particularly interested in human females but this particular one had his cock standing to attention her beauty was enticing with her long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes he couldn't help but wonder what she looked like underneath all those office
Clothes as he strolled towards the female his wings fluffing out with every step.

"Hm- how interesting!". Lucifer said as he continued to observe Alyssa, "I think am going to take my time with you little female", as his hands ghosted over Alyssa face.

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