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"Fuck what is he doing here hasn't he learned from last night!". Lucifer seethes as he pase up and down the tech room.

"It doesn't matter it just a matter of time before she's mine they can try" he breathed out.

What the heck was that all about? Your boyfriend looks like he saw hell itself!". James stated as he walked up to Alyssa's cubical.

Alyssa shrugged at James words, I have no idea he just saw some guy enter the building and his whole demeanor changed". She said as she eyed that said man.

"You mean the Greek God that stepped through the door a few minutes ago I don't know what it is this week but lately God has been blessing us with new eye candy dibs on this one!". James said as he eyed the man

"I wonder who he is exactly?".

"I don't care what's his name I mean come on Alyssa look at him the guys a walking chick magnet or guy magnet because he'll am drawn to him that sexy white hair is definitely a turn on and his tall figure mmm I wonder what else is long?" . James stated as he eyed the man private.

Alyssa knocked James on his side shaking him out of his indecent staring, behave and don't you already have a man?!".

Ohh girl I would gladly leave him for-!" . James was about to say before a deep voice interrupted their gossiping.

"Excuse me do you know where the main office is?. The man stated as he eyed both James and Alyssa.

"I can show you were my office is?". James said boldly.

Alyssa quickly got up and pushed her horny friend out the way, excuse him sir his mouth has no filter.

"That's ok the names Ray!" the man said.

"Ok ray you can just go down the hall and take a left the office is right on the left side.". Alyssa said as she eyed ray discreetly James was right the man could make any female wet just by looking at him judging by the stares he was getting by all the females in the room even the married ones.

Thank you!" ray stated as he walked away not before eyeing Alyssa up and down.

As he walked away Alyssa found James eyeing her questioningly, "what?".

"Girl do you at track Greek gods do you have like a superpower you haven't told me about?". James exaggerate.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Alyssa quickly replied as she slid back in to her cubical.

Bitch please! I see the way ray stared at you he's attracted to you, come on you can't take
All the hot dicks in the office". James pouted.

Your exaggerating James I just told him were the main office was and you think he wants me!" she said

Oh girl I know he wants you know man looks at you like that and don't want to fuck you side ways.". James stated.

"James you keep forgetting am a Christian!". Alyssa stated as she sigh focusing back on her work.

"Yeah yeah Christian hey if I said I was a Christian too you think I would attract hot pieces of ass too?" he said as he grumbled back to his work station.

Alyssa couldnt help but shake her head and laugh at her coworkers words as she thought about the new guy that entered the picture she wonder what all that was about with luke did he know him he acted like he knew the guy but hated his guts Alyssa thought as she tried focussing back on work

Ramiel couldn't believe he was doing this but their was no other way fighting was doing anything to detour Lucifer's fixation of the female so he had come up with a plan to get closer to her and turn her away from him now here he was now strolling through the mortal building applying for a job.

He spotted the female right away as her eyes found his Lucifer on the other hand noticed and his face absolutely became furious when he notice my presence I smirk knowing I probably derailed any future plans he did had as he stormed off.

Lucifer was still fuming in the tech room when he shouted for his horsemen, war, death, famine, conquest!"

The four horsemen quickly materialized as they kneeled before their king, "you summoned us sir?!"

Yes! I want you to go to any part of this fucking world as wreak as much havoc as you can muster!" . Lucifer seethed out in his fury.

War was shock at his master order, "sir are you sure?.

Death, famine and conquest looked at war shocked at his audacity to question his king.

Lucifer stormed towards the kneeling war, are you fucking questioning me?!" as he gripped war from off the ground the mortals in the room frozen due to Lucifer powers as he slammed war against the wall cracking it in the process.

"Who are you to fucking question me? I am your king so if I say burn down the fucking world you fucking do it because I said so!" . Lucifer shouted as he tossed war to the ground.

"Does anyone else feel stupid enough to challenge me?". Lucifer shouted as he eyed the remaining horsemen.

"No sir!". They said in unison.

"Then do as I say!" . Lucifer said.

One by one the horsemen disappeared as was stumbled to his feet and gave his king a quick now before disappearing himself.

Lucifer slump in a chair as clicked his finger unfreezing the mortals in the room as they want about their work like nothing happened he had to figure out another way to get closer to Alyssa while watching ramiel he wondered what his so call brother was planning coming here.

Alyssa quickly got up and made a beeline for the tech room she had so many questions for luke the first was did he really not know that man or was he lying?

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