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Lucifer was still pissed to say the least for the last twenty four hours he has been throwing random souls into various circles regardless of what sin's they had committed as a matter of fact he just throwed a twelve year old in circle seven that circle was only for those who held violent thoughts or did violent actions as far as Lucifer new the small child was sent down here because he did a string of robbery in his young life that ended badly the last time.

Lucifer sat back in his chair as he try to find ways to get closer to Alyssa but so far he had nothing he was used to females practically throwing themselves at him, well dead ones anyway but this one was becoming a real challenge for him add on his father pesky interference and it was an all out battle.

Just as he was about to call it a night for him he was suddenly interrupted by war, " sir am sorry for the intrusion but I was wondering if I may be of assistance?" he said as he bowed be for his king.

"And what do you know about mortal females?" lucifer questioned as he looked at war curiously.

"Not much sir but the souls down here their memories shows us enough maybe you can take from them and apply it when you go around the mortal female!" war stated.

Lucifer thought about war words it made sense why think of things to do or say when he can use the memories of the souls he had collected and apply them to his situation as he smiled down at war, "your words our noted you may leave!" he stated as war bowed and left.

The moment war left his sight Lucifer smiled he couldn't wait to attempt what war has suggested.

Just as morning broke Alyssa couldn't wait to reach to work this was the first time ever she felt this type of happiness usual she just goes with the flow her usual morning but today
Felt different it probably had something to do with a certain new somebody but Alyssa wasn't going to let her mind go there.

As she walked through her work building she was greeted as usual by her coworker James, "Well hello to you sweetheart someones chippy today" he tease.

Alyssa blushed at his words, "Now tell me who's the guy or girl that has your face redder than my mom's sweet cherry pie?" James questioned. "Ah, no one! And have you forgotten I don't do females". Alyssa quickly stated, " well you could have fooled me!!". James muses, "now spill who's the guy that has you happier than a crack head that just received his next fix?".

Alyssa didn't want to tell James anything about her drive and sort of date with Luke as he stared her down hoping she would spill, "ok fine I sort of met someone and we talked a bit!" she half lied as James looked at her, "so you met someone that has you glowing like a halo on an angel -was he hot?" James questioned.

Alyssa coughed at his words, " come on we have work to do!" she said as she walked pass James and headed to her work station, "oh come on Alyssa you can at least tell me if the guy is hot!" James muses.

Alyssa groaned at his words, " ok Fine he's hot!" she stated as she glanced at James who smiled triumphantly, " so when am I going to meet him?" he stated.

Alyssa stopped in her tracks, "um- never!" she stated just as she slid into her office chair, " are you scared am a take him from you?". James questioned.

Alyssa ignored James teasing just as Luke came walking into the room, "my oh my isn't he a fine piece of ass!?". James said as he eyed luke up and down.

"James I distinctively rememberd you bragging about your boyfriend the other day I may not have been here that long but gossip do spread!". Alyssa stated.

"Oh me and Chris are done!". James stated soberly, "oh no! What happened?". Alyssa asked. "Oh nothing I just caught him balls deep in my apartment with my fucking neighbor!" . James said angrily.

A cough could be heard interrupting their conversation as the both glance at the face of luke who was giving them both a dazzling smile, "am sorry if am interrupting something !" luke stated, "oh no I was just about to head to my desk!". James stated as he slowly walked away from Alyssa's desk not before he silently whispered to her, "I want the details later!".

So you didn't answer my question yesterday?" luke stated as he leaned down closer to her not willing to let anyone eavesdrop on their conversation, "and what was the question again?". Alyssa asked as she looked into Luke hazel eyes, "would you like to go out sometimes not site seeing I mean an actual date?" he asked.

Alyssa remembered him asking her out last night but she was too caught up in his words to comprehend what he was saying he actually wanted to take her out for real on a real date! date!, "so what do you say?" he stated shaking Alyssa out of her thoughts.

"Um- sure!" she stated as Luke smiled at her answer, "how about this week then I'll pick you up!" he stated Alyssa didn't know how much redder her face can get as she turned away from luke hiding her flush face, "sure I'll give you my number after work!" she stated trying to find anything to do to end the conversation.

Luke smiled at her antics as he whispered a "ok!" before turning around and headed to the tech area Alyssa internally squealed as she couldn't believe she got herself a date with a hot guy not just any guy a hot co-worker.

As Lucifer walked away from Alyssa he inwardly smiled as the first part of his plan went without a hitch now he just had to wiggle her way into her heart then her soul is his no one will stop him not his father not his brothers no one he smirked as he slammed open the tech area door.

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