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"Hey Alyssa when did you come back to Florida" Toby ask as he approach his long time friend from high school she looked amazing as he approached Alyssa who was standing by the fruit aisle dress in a black fitted pants and a crop top that had her breast pushing out the top.

"Oh hey Toby it's been a while I just move back my job transferred me here due to employee cut this way" Alyssa exclaimed as she smiled at her old school mate who slowly approached her.

"What's it been twelve-thirteen years since you decided to move to Chicago and leave Miami behind?" Toby exclaimed as he smiled at Alyssa.

Alyssa laughed at Toby question, "it hasn't been that long Toby and besides at graduation you were nowhere to be found so I couldn't give you my number to even try contact you" Alyssa stated looking at Toby amusingly.

"Yea I forgot that was the day I was sick ha! What a day it was the only time I ever got sick in high school and it was at graduation and by the time I got to your house to greet you after you had already left for Chicago" Toby said as his smile disappeared, "I didn't even get to say goodbye".

"Oh am sorry Toby I didn't mean to leave like that my mom had booked my ticket straight after graduation and I had an interview with my first job the next I forgot to leave my knew number with mom to give to you" Alyssa stated as her smile disappeared as well.

"But hey we can catch up with each other again so how has life been treating you since?" Alyssa asked.

Toby blushed at her question, "i got married a year ago Alyssa am expecting my first child this year!" Toby stated as he smiled proudly.

"Oh my gosh congratulations Toby so who's the lucky lady? Alyssa questioned.

"Oh it's um- you remember Emily sweeting from Ms Higgs physics class back in school? Toby asked.

Alyssa thought about Toby's question as she tried to remember who she could from high school, "yea I think so wasn't she the one that always use to sit by herself during lunch time?" Alyssa questioned.

"Um- yea! Well we kinda ran into each other a few days after graduation and one thing lead to another and now we're married" toby stated, "what about you? Have you met anyone special since you been gone?" Toby asked

Alyssa looked around the store to see if anyone was ease dropping on their conversation as they slowly moved from the fruit aile, "no I haven't found anyone special as yet I've been to busy with either work or church so I haven't found the time to indulge in dating or anything".

"You still a church girl Alyssa I thought you slow down since moving?". Toby stated shocked at her words, "I remember the days when your mom use to drag us behind you when we all use to sleep over". Toby stated while smiling at Alyssa.

"Yea well that part haven't change Toby anyway I'll see you later sometimes call me" as Alyssa quickly dashed to the cash register if only anyone knew that she had tried dating but the minute she mentioned church or the Bible everyone ran for the hills as she exited the grocery store and walked towards her Honda civic.

It hadn't been that long since she returned and driving through the streets of Miami was bittersweet most of the people who she have known through high school were either dead or married some were even in jail as she remembers Jack mugshot flashing across the tv screen one day she couldn't believe it the former highschool  star football quarterback arrested for three counts of murder and here she was a single twenty nine year old with a corporate job living in her parents old house that smells date me she joked to herself.

As Alyssa pulled up into her parents garage she couldn't help but look around the spaces room her parents died three years after she left for Chicago she couldn't come down for the funeral due to work and plane ticket lets just say it was a tough choice especially when the economy was at its lowest.

The house is still the same the day I left it my mother didn't change anything when my father died she always told me she couldn't that she felt like if she did she would be erasing Charles from the home so when I returned I left everything as she had it I couldn't bring myself to change anything either.

Turning on the tv I flop myself down on the couch and listen to the news it was always the same murder in a different country war breaking out in different regions I wish everyone would read the Bible this was all written as I listen to the news anchor talk about the war in morocco with a sigh I turned the tv off and decided to head to bed I have an early office meeting in the morning and I don't want to be caught sleeping through it.

"So tell me what's on the ajenda today Alyssa?", James stated as he walked with me towards the elevator of our office building.

"Probably not get fired today James! I have to meet rick in his office in twenty minutes he wants to discuss the transaction between him and dug of our other branch in Chicago" . Alyssa stated just as the elevator opened to Ricks office.

"Well good luck with that Alyssa after that meeting I don't know what type of mood Mr lightwood is in?!". James stated as he press the elevator button leaving me alone in the hallway I took a slow breath as I walk towards Mr lightwood door and gently knocked.

"Come in!" ,he stated as I slowly opened the glass frame door Mr lightwood didn't acknowledge my entrance as he continued to look through papers scattered over his desk, "take a seat right their" he stated as he points to a couch on the side of his desk be didn't once glance up from the paper as I strolled towards the couch.

"Ms Louis can you tell me why some of the files that you sent up is missing?." Mr lightwood stated as he finally glance up from the pile of papers he had been reading, "The files that came with you have pages missing or incomplete why is that ms Louis?" he stated while staring at me with a facial expression I couldn't decipher.

"Ah- I have no idea that pages were missing from the file when Mr dug handed me them in my transfer I had them secured so what ever you see their is what he Gave me". I said confidently.

"Hm- I see I'll have to give him a call" he stated as he eyed me up an down, "how does it feel to be back in Miami ms Louis?" .

"Oh! It's um- it's good to be back home I guess thanks for asking". Alyssa stated with a smile.

"Well that's all your dismiss I'll look into the missing file with Mr dug". He stated as he got back into the pile of papers on his desk I decided to make a quick exit as I strolled towards the office elevator, "what a tiring day!". I stated as I hear towards the exit.

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