The date(part 2)

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As Lucifer walked through the tech room door the mortals that were under his command all bowed at his presence, "were glad to have you back sir!" they all shouted in unison.

Lucifer smiled as he looked over all the mortals that were under his control, "now with one of you can tell me what all to bring to a date?" he questioned.

The men and women all looked at each other, "sir you can bring her flowers!" one man stated.

"Or chocolate!" another shouted.

Lucifer listened to all their suggestion just as a knock on the door interrupted them Lucifer gave them all a look that had them turning back to whatever they were doing before Lucifer entered the door slowly opened to revel a shy Alyssa peaking in.

"Ah- sorry to interrupt! But Luke can I speak to you for a minute?". Alyssa stated.

Luke smiled at her as he got up and headed out the door with her face to face in the hallway Alyssa hesitated slightly before she took a deep breath and looked like directly in the eye.

"So what should I wear?" she asked as she blushed at her own question.

Luke smirk at her shyness as he whispered down to her, "wear something sexy!" he blurted causing Alyssa's face to turn red at his words.

Luke laughed at her facial expression as he decided to calm her nerves, "just wear what's comfortable to you" he said.

Alyssa nodded at his response before turning and walking away luke watched her walk away before his face became a mask again as he entered the tech room again.

War, famine, death, he shouted summoning three of the four horsemen the men and women who were in the room was oblivious to what he was doing to them it looked like he was using what they call a phone.

The three horsemen all appeared answering their master's call, "you summoned us sir?" war questioned.

Yes, I need one of you to go out and get me a bundle of flowers, and the next one needs to gather the most popular box of chocolate humans sell around here?" .lucifer said eyeing each horseman.

All three horsemen looked at each other confused at their master request.

Lucifer looked at three men as they glance at each other in confusion, "did I fucking stutter move your asses and get me what the fuck I asked for!!" he shouted

Each men quickly got up disappearing from Lucifer site as they went about the task he had commanded them to do as the day dwindle down he found himself actually excited for tonight.

"Ok hussy tell me what all that was about with you and mister handsome tech guy?". James asked as he slowly leaned over Alyssa's cubical.

Alyssa did her best to ignore James' question as he kept his eyes on her, "so you're just not going to answer fine keep your secret I thought me and you were friends,". He stated as he pretended to be disappointed.

Alyssa sight as she turned her chair towards her nosey co-worker, "fine!" she said as she gave James an annoyed look as he smiled at her triumphantly.

"So Luke asked me out tonight!" she stated just as she heard James squeal, "Shhh!". Alyssa whispered at him as she glanced around hopping Buddy heard him.

"Well, aren't you lucky snagging the new guy just like that you know if the rest of the girls found out you are dating luke you will be on their hating list?". James said as he eyed his favorite co-worker

They're not going to find out because this is between the three of us and your not going to tell a soul and besides this will be are second outing!" . Alyssa said as she blushed and turn back towards her computer.

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