1. 10 Reasons

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✭How the hell did I lose a friend I never had?✭

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How the hell did I lose a friend
I never had?

Two months prior

I step down the congested foyers, people from all over the world all caring about one thing.

Leaving the perdition that holds us.

College is always seen as the best time of a person's life. People from different regions gather thinking nothing is better than the experience of university.

In my case and hundreds of others, the Academy Of Palma Hills.

A school where future businessmen and women are created. Lawyers, doctors, engineers, and more. Most of the people here are kids whose parents hadn't given them a choice in life.

Like me.

Here as I walk through the halls for the umpteenth time, my head down and my hands filled with books, I think about what my life would be like had I been given any alternative to what I live and breathe every day.

My thoughts don't go far as my books fly into heaps around me.

"I'm sorry!" I apologize without looking up. I hear a steady laugh, clean and intentional.

I look up, my gaze trapped on a familiar face. One I've seen before but can't quite place where. His chestnut hair slicked back in a neat hairstyle, runaway pieces of hair falling over his eyes. His brown eyes and clear skin.

He gets down onto his knees, helping me pick up my books. "You're the kid from my human resources class." he says, his tone just and all-knowing.

So that's where I've seen him. I think to myself.

"I-I guess. Sorry for bumping into you. I wasn't paying attention." I stammer as I pick up the books and stand up.

The boy stands as well, stacking the remaining on top of the others.

"It's cool. I'm Justin by the way." I start to step away and the boy I now know as Justin follows. He opens the doors for me and sticks his hands into his pockets.

"I'm uh, I'm Cameron." he smiles, looking down at his shoes.

"I know." my brows furrow at the confession but before I can ask further, a black car pulls up next to the both of us.

The passenger window rolls down, disappearing into the door and my mother's head sticks out.

"Oliver," she nods firmly at me as if she's meeting with an important business partner to seal the deal on a project.

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