18. Hot Shot Plan Bot

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✭What you said made amess of me✭

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✭What you said made a
mess of me✭

"So what's the plan, then? Do we knock out Kai and lock Zai in a closet somewhere then book it?" Em questions, pummeling the air with a serious face.

I scrunch my face but in my heart, I'm glad I have him here to help. I love being with Samira, she makes me feel at peace though it seems I'm always fighting for her not to leave me.

And I'd intensify the struggle of having Samira because what's a friendship like ours without troubles?

Without hardship.

Even with all that I feel for her, having him here makes it all feel a bit less secluded.

"Not, not exactly. I was thinking last night just after you guys fell asleep. It was quiet, peaceful so I couldn't not think." I cross my legs, my hands on my knees as I rack my brain for the plan I had come up with just last night.

Before everything with Samira. After that, my mind was too at peace, too rested to think.

"Okay, let's see what you got." Emery leans back against the wall, snacking on potato chips he snuck out of the eatery.

"Well, it's a bit complex. It may need some tweaking but I think it could work. I think it could get us somewhere." I look at Samira and she nods. "We'll each have to split up. We all have jobs that will be beneficial for each other's success. First, me. Kai and Zai have their morning walk around the circus every day. I would distract them long enough for Samira to do her part."

"Samira is next. She will sneak into their office while I distract them, they keep a wall phone in there where she could call her uncle Paris." both of them seem tuned into my words, like everything I'm saying is being printed in bold black letters in their brains.

"That's where you come in Em, you are to go to room 215. In there is the electrical room. They have the main camera database and it's where all of the recorded calls are linked. You would erase the footage and the recording of the call." I take a breather after the handful of steps are said.

"Lastly, we'll come back here and hope for the best. If everything goes the way I planned, the way I hope, we should be out of here in no more than two weeks. We get Paris to help us leave, and boom, freedom." I smile but it wavers when I notice their faces.

Samira's is completely blank, poker face even. Em's jaw is dropped so low I'm not even sure if it's connected to the rest of his face.

"What?" I ask, my voice going quiet and my hands fiddling in my lap.

Did I scare them? My dad used to scare me with his ridiculous plans. Maybe I am, somewhat like him. I mean, he'll always be my father. My mother will always be my mother. I know that might have loved me – which sounds controversial – in their own way.

"You never cease to amaze me, Cameron." Samira's words bring heat to my cheeks. I smile a nervous, shy smile.

"I agree with the woman. I never knew you were a hot shot plan bot." Em gushes, nodding toward Samira.

I chuckle. "You learn a few things when your parents do nothing but plan your life and everything you do." I laugh to myself but neither of them do and I realize how bad it sounds.

I cringe. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring down the moment."

He shrugs his shoulder. "I get it. Except my problem was the exact opposite. My mom did anything but plan. Lost dad and she decided crack would be her new husband." he looks off into the distance. A faraway look in his eyes.

Silence falls over the three of us but then Samira cuts the tie of quietness.

"Guess we all have tragic pasts then." I look down in my lap. The more I learn about these people. Nearly everyone in this circus has had something terrible in their families.

It makes me feel more and more like a spoiled brat running away from Daddy's money.

Samira seems to notice the drastic shift in my confidence and I notice only when I feel her hand on my thigh.

I look up at her, she's looking back at me. She sighs and looks between Em and I. "We should get some sleep. Big day tomorrow." I know she's right but it doesn't feel right sleeping knowing that they both lost people and had even worse childhoods than I could've even fathomed.

It feels stupid that I ran from home because my parents wanted me to succeed. Selfish.

I get into the bed beside Samira and Emery gets comfortable on the stack of blankets and pillows on the floor. I look up at the ceiling unable to fall asleep again.

Just then, Samira whispers in my ear. "Stop undermining yourself. They manipulated you. That's abuse and it's just as bad as anything me or you're friend or anyone has been through. Quiet you're mind, Cameron." she skims her hand over my face in the gentlest way possible.

Her fingertips brush against my eyelids and they fall shut. She whispers in my ear again but I can't understand what she says as I nuzzle into her, my head in the crevice of her neck. Her warmth and voice put me to sleep effortlessly.

I could've used this years ago.

-they're getting comfortable meanwhilethe left side of my bed is✨cold✨

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-they're getting comfortable meanwhile
the left side of my bed is

-also sorry for the short chapter it's kind
of a filler

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