6. Shadowy Depths

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✭40 days and 40 nights I waitedfor a girl like you to comeand save my life✭

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40 days and 40 nights I waited
for a girl like you to come
and save my life

I bite into the red apple in my hand, chewing the crisp fruit as my mind tries and fails to pay attention to the words that spill from Frankie's mouth.

I never thought running away to join a circus would be like leaving one well-mannered schedule and falling directly into another.

It seems as if I've made no improvement with Samira and it's beginning to weigh a ton on my shoulders. Not only is every day the same as the last but now the one thing that has been giving me hope about this place has made clear that she doesn't even want me here.

Maybe seeing another guy tell her that merely talking to me is dangerous has given me a lot to think about. Or maybe it was the way he looked at her. The way they seem to have history.

A hand on my shoulder drives through my reflections. It's only then do I realize both Em and Frankie are gaping at me with mirrored expressions.

"You alright, kid?" Frankie pulls his hand away leaning back in the booth, Em sitting straight up next to him. "You've been glaring at my taco for 5 minutes," he adds.

I look around the lunch car before looking out the window. We're moving. We left earlier this morning. When I woke, everyone was packing up the outside tents and equipment.

Trees blur with motion as I watch the gentle snowfall.

"I'm fine." the two exchange a look between each other. I hear whispers but I'm not sure of the words being said.

A few seconds die before Em speaks up, his voice cautious and gentle. "How about this," I turn to face the blond boy. "There are a lot of people here. People who would love to get to know you. If you'd let them." he gazes back at me expectedly.

I nod my head, admittedly agreeing to whatever plan the two boys have in store.

Frankie scoots closer to the table, leaning against the glazed wood before evidently pointing at a person behind me.

I turn my head to find a short woman walking in through the double doors. Her hair is nearly pitch black and her pupils are big, her blue eyes even bigger.

I turn back to Emery, a look I'm sure could translate to boredom clear as day on my face.

"Her name is April. She's kind and really curious like you. I think you two could get on pretty well if you wanted." he smiles.

When I don't reply right away his smile falls just slightly. He sighs. "No?" he looks around once more. "Over there, the two girls, those are the albino twins. Their names are Rose and Rita. If you swing the other way the guy next to them is Atlas. He's hard of hearing but his other senses spike." he goes on pointing to all kinds of people, all different in their own ways.

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