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Thinking about the recent events, I think marriage will be better for me, I'll get a new shoulder to lean on if he's supportive, but if he's not a supportive person then my life can turn to hell too, I need someone to rely on completely too, abbu jee have been hard on me recently and I do not want to be the target of his wrath for ammi jee property soon...

It was already 6 pm Tuesday when I reached Do Darya and looked for some racers when I couldn't find them, I suddenly remembered it was not their time to be here, thinking for some time I decided to message Ashar "came to Do Darya without knowing no one would be here racing, got my new car Mercedes G Wagon, don't know much about it's best functions and all, might need help to learn about drifting, would you be free to help me out?" I texted him after deleting many times what to text first. Should I be formal, should I text or not all...

Waiting for the reply, I drove towards the nearest club to have some “me time” alone, I was about to enter the club when I got the text "Glad you texted Miss Hayat, I would love to teach you two or four things about the most dreamy car of mine to you, when do you want to meet me Miss Hayat?" Looking at his text, I couldn't help but smile. He is such a sunshiny person, I would love to have him to be a friend of mine though, thinking to myself, I texted back, "Whenever you're free, let me know the time and place I'll be there" I smiled a little and went inside the club, after having a drink or two of Mint Margarita, I made my way deep instead the place and took a seat, the loud music and people dancing here and there freely was nothing new to me, I have been going to the clubs for three years now, it’s now not awkward for me to see boys and girls dancing and being touchy to each other, all these things never make me feel relieved yet I find this place most reliable to go to after having a weird day, many things were going through my mind for days now, everything’s going all fine and same as usual but still some thoughts are roaming around my mind, thoughts about the bike accident, thoughts about the marriage, thoughts about my father and thoughts about the guy I saw at Do Darya......

It’s been a month of me having lessons from Ashar about my beautiful car, everything’s going fine between us, we act like wild animals, and the bonding we have developed is unbelievable, today I have a day off since he’s going to his brother’s company to attend a meeting.....Getting bored, I took my laptop and started working on my secret something......

My fingers were sore and my throat was dry, looking around I saw my surroundings to see the birds chirping and people going here and there, I looked at the time to see it was 6 pm already, stretching my hands and legs a little I started collecting my hair in a bun to tie, taking off the coat, I corrected my shirt and drive towards the nearest shop to buy myself some books. Parking my car in the parking lot, I got out of the car and went towards the liberty shop and started finding books...

After my 2 hours of serious searching for my most “TBR" books, I paid for them and made my way home...

"Chachu, I'm home," I said as I saw my chachu in the lounge, happily making my way to him. I found someone else sitting there too, my steps halter...

Abbu jee sat there looking all serious, " I want you to sign these papers and come with me to Islamabad," my father said, standing up, throwing some papers towards me. Why would he want me to go Islamabad with him now after three months of me being here, "what are these papers for, and why would I go with you?" I said, calming myself down, taking a second glance towards my chacha chachi to see them standing by my side, I looked at my father.....

"These are property papers. I want you to transfer all three properties your mother has given you to me now, I'm building a company for you, so I need these." He said without looking at me this time, I knew very well that he was lying, the father who once called me a burden, who never for once gave me the love I deserve, he would build a company for me? No, I know he’s lying, and I won't give him a penny after what he and his mother said about my death, mother. "No, I won't give you any penny, abbu jee, leave!" I said and turned to my chachu, taking a deep breath I voice out something, "chachu, I'm ready for the marriage, and I will continue my studies too, I will be giving you hard time now as I want you to do my rukhsati with chachi in place of my parents" I said with a smile...

Chachu looked surprised and so happy that I couldn't help but smile more, chachi came forward and hugged me, “I’m so happy for you, and the respect you have given us" I hugged my chachi back who was now shedding some happy tears and ignored the one who's blood I'm....

Chachu turned and walked out to call someone when I heard my father. "You have decided to marry someone without my permission, I won't let you get married to anyone, I have already arranged your marriage!! You are coming with me to Islamabad, that's it!!" He said, walking towards me when I too walked forward towards him, standing in front of him confidently stating me point, “I’ll report against you, Mr. Ali Ahmad, I won't go anywhere and I will get married to whoever I want! you are no one to me, " I said and walked out of the lounge while my hands were tangled with chachi, “Did I say anything wrong, chachi?" I asked once we entered my room. “No, not at all. You did good mera bacha (my baby). I'm so happy and proud of you, " she said and came forward. Peaking my head, she walked out of the room after talking to me for some time....

I kept my books on the shelves and took out my night suit to change into, I was about to enter the washroom when I heard a knock....

"Chanda," I heard chachi, putting my clothes on the bed. I walked towards the door to see my chachi gesturing me to come out of the room. Following her outside, I saw my chachu sitting on the couch gesturing me to go near him, sitting beside my chachu. I looked up to see him forwarding a box towards me...

"You won't know, but your mother was the only one I admired in my whole life. She was the strongest, bold yet kind and loving person, I shared a great bond with my bhabi(sister in law) when she was alive, she used to always wish to have a daughter, and her wish came true when you came to this world.....she had some moments with you before she died, but I was there to hold you after her not my brother, my little warrior that day, I lost one life yet found another one....I never regret fighting for you with my family....even if you are the not my daughter still you are my treasure, my little have grown to such a beautiful and smart young girl that I haven't realised how fast the time going....I want to tell you one thing, any time, anywhere, you need me, I'll be there, I made a promise to my bhabi to give all the property papers to you after your wedding, that she had hidden from bhai, today I will give you all the papers that I have been looking after for my bhabi and you" chachu said calmly yet emotionally.....

Chachi came from the room with a lot of files in her hand and put them in front of me, "there are some shares, some factory papers which I build and rent them as per she had written in her will, and some property papers, I have been taking care off all these for nearly 2 decades now, and today I safety return them to you"  chachu said while separating all the papers for me to know which one belongs to what....

I looked at my chachu, and before I could say anything, the lumped formed in my throat pained me, I took some deep breath and said "then, chachu the papers I have and abbu jee wants are also my mother property?" I asked out of curiosity...

"Those 3 properties are your mother Haq Maher (a mandatory gift or token of respect given by the husband to the wife in Islam) that my brother gave her, and it’s rightfully her!" I nodded, understanding everything.....

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