Part 1:

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After getting ready for the meetings at the house of Atreides, my mother and I headed off. Once inside my mother left me to go talk to some others.

Paul looks up briefly and notes my presence but doesn't acknowledge me. I knew all about the Dukes son for he was very popular, I was very aware he had no idea I existed for I was not popular.

The Duke's son is looked lost in his thoughts, though his demeanor seems more composed as if he is working something out. His gaze is far past me.

I glance at Paul standing close to his father

After a brief moment of observation, Paul-Atreides glances over at me. His eyes meet mine for a split-second. Then he looks away again.

a small feeling hit me when his eyes met mine. I quickly cleared my throat and looked ahead

The moment passes. Paul looks ahead in thought, his face stoic. Duke Leto smiles at Paul and gives him a subtle nod, letting him know that he is proud of him.

I greeted others and listened to their words but I honestly felt so bored of being a statue to one to talk to, though my mother always said to be a lady and say nothing till spoken too
As i listened to the conversations around me, my boredom gives way to a nagging feeling that something is amiss. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there seems to be a tension in the room that i can sense, even if no one else seems to notice it. It makes me wonder.

more time passed, and I glanced at Paul again.
As i shifted my gaze on Paul to See he has joined a group of men nearby. I honestly wish I could join their conversation, Their conversation seems far more interesting than the one being carried on by the ladies. I begin to wonder what they're talking about and consider making my way over there, just to shake up the dull atmosphere a little bit. But something stops me...

I notice as i continue to watch Paul-Atreides among the other men that a couple of them seem to be looking at me with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Their glances make me feel a little uncomfortable.

That's when I finally got the courage to walk up to the group of people with Paul, the only spot open was a spot next to Paul

I cautiously make my way over to the group that Paul is with, As i approached, everyone else seems to acknowledge me but Paul remains silent. He is engaged in the conversation with everyone else around him, giving them his complete attention. It's as if he's purposefully ignoring me.

Everyone is politely nodding and smiling at me I nodded and smiled at the people who greeted me. I looked at Paul to listen to what he was saying

Paul still refused to acknowledge my presence. He's too wrapped up in his conversation to seem to notice me.

The men are all involved in a discussion about the Atreides' move to Arrakis. It seems like a topic that has been discussed many times before but they are still engaged in it. They're talking in general terms about the risks and rewards associated with such a move.

after hearing that a group of people will go to Arrakis I spoke with even thinking

"I would love to go to Arrakis"

The group of men turn their heads simultaneously towards me. Their faces express a mix of shock and bewilderment. It seems as though they weren't expecting me to interject, and it caught them off guard.

Paul's head shoots upright and his eyes lock onto mine. A moment of tense silence passes between us. The room hangs in the air, waiting for someone to break it with the next word.

I felt as if I said something wrong and after a moment with all eyes on me, even Paul's, I apologized for speaking up and looked down at the ground. Paul's eyes soften slightly when he sees my humility, but he still holds my gaze for a moment longer before turning back to the conversation. The other men quickly ignore my interruption, choosing instead to continue with their conversation where they left off. The silence that had briefly filled the room has now passed, and everyone appears to have forgotten the awkward moment entirely.

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