part 6:

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the walk back to the town was nothing but horrible, I felt that I acted like a child for demanding an apology, for it hit me that Paul was going through so much and I just pushed him over the edge

As his feelings and words came from a deep place of grief, heartache, and frustration. My realization of this and feeling of guilt and regret over my childish behavior continued throughout the walk, making it a horrible one for me. As the city came into view, the atmosphere between the two of us seemed heavy and uncomfortable.

the city's lights seemed to be brighter than usual, after Paul and I walked over the hill blocking the city from view and horrible feeling washed over both Paul and I, as the city was on fire and was being attacked.

The bright lights of the city had always been a beautiful sight to behold, but as the two of us trekked up the hill and came over the crest, the sight that greeted our eyes was one of absolute horror as we both saw the city in flames. The attack on the city came as a shock to the both of us, and the sudden and unexpected sight, flooded me with a mixture of emotions, making it hard to comprehend the exact situation that had unfolded.

"Paul..." I muttered looking at the city.
I looked at Paul, he simply stood there, his face showing no emotion or reaction. The lack of reaction from him only served to frustrate my curiosity, as i felt a need for answers or someone to share our concerns with. However, despite my efforts to seek a response from Paul, he continued to maintain his stoic demeanor, refusing to react to the attack taking place before us two.

a realization hit me hard in the gut that Paul's parents and friends were in the city and stood in flames. I put my hand on my mouth and felt my eyes start to get blurry for if Paul would show no emotion I did

The lack of reaction from Paul sent a wave of frustration over me, as his stoic demeanor and lack of emotional response to the horrific situation made the situation feel more frightening and hopeless.

after a moment something like a ship looked like it flew out of the city, being cased from other ships. The ship flew over Paul and I as we both watched it go into a big sand storm on the horizon, the other ships did not go in the storm but flew back towards the city. I looked over to see Paul but he wasn't there anymore, I then saw him try this best to go as fast as he could towards the sand storm to try and see who was in Trouble, but he wasn't thinking straight for he couldn't just go into a sand storm. I ran after him and shouted his name.

As Paul ran towards the sandstorm, trying to reach the ship, i ran after him yelling his name and begging him to stop and reconsider. I knew he was acting on impulse and emotion, rather than logic and reason, and there was a great danger in him running blindly into the storm without any protective gear on. I felt as though he was putting himself in unnecessary risk and danger by rushing into the storm, and i were correct in my suspicions.

I called out his name repeatedly for him to stop but that was no good, so the only thing that would stop him was when I grabbed his shoulders and turned him around to face me. He was full of emotions that needed to go somewhere so he snapped at me and smacked my hands off him.

"What are you doing Paul!?" I questioned, looking at Paul's angry face as i tried to not cry at the actions of Paul did on me

The sudden and quick reaction from Paul, striking out at me and smacking my hands off him, was a clear indication of the emotional state he was in. He was not acting rationally or logically, but rather he was driven by an overflow of emotions that he didn't know how otherwise to express. My questioning of his actions, added to the frustration that was brewing within him, which only served to fuel his anger and further his emotional response.

"we have to go help them" Paul said pointing at the sand storm.

"You can't go in there, you'll get hurt" I replied back

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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