Past 3:

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before we landed we all were called to one spot in the ship, and were given information about the plant Arrakis, and soon I laid eyes on Paul, he was in his dark outfit, his hair styled nicely, his face was steadily and calm. He never made eye contact with me.

I kept my eyes on Paul as someone approached him and started to talk. Paul remained silent, only nodding his head occasionally as they spoke. After a short exchange of conversation, they both came in my direction which made me uneasy. After they got to me.

the man gave me strict orders regarding Paul's duty as my bodyguard. I watched as he instructed Paul to watch over me, never leaving my side unless my requested time to myself. Paul remained steadfastly quiet throughout the interaction, only offering a series of nods as he received orders. The man stressed Paul's role as a protection guard and how he was not to stray from my side while on Arrakis. I felt both relieved and anxious as a sense of safety was assured, but the cost of my independence was also realized.

The man left me and Paul alone after giving his instructions. I wanted to say something, but before i could gather the proper words to express myself, Paul turned around and walked away. It was in the final stages of the trip to Arrakis, and there wasn't much need for the two of us to stay near each other throughout the rest of the journey to Arrakis.

soon the warnings for the doors to open came. And we were instructed to stand towards the door and wait. When the time for Arrakis arrived, I took my place next to Paul, making sure to maintain a proper distance as i took a place next to each other during the long, ominous wait before the doors to Arrakis opened. I felt a sense of excitement grow as the doors to the desert planet began to slide open. It was a strange mixture of nerves and excitement that came over me that felt almost surreal, as the reality of this new landscape i was about to experience set in.

The air and sunlight enveloped me as soon as the doors opened, a sudden and jarring realization of the harsh and unforgiving environment i was about to be immersed within. The desert landscape was as unforgiving as it was beautiful, with the sand and heat hitting me with the force of a thousand suns. I was quickly made aware of the reality that this was no place for a gentle touch, but rather one of sharp stones and burning sands.

there was a lot going on when we landed for many people standing everywhere, and the troops we sent out a week before greeted us. I had a hard time keeping up with Paul making sure I was close. I saw Paul run up to a man and gave him a big hug before letting go. I could see the big smile on Paul's face after seeing his friend. But that smile soon turned around when Paul laid eyes on me again when I walked up to the group

The sudden flurry of activity as we landed was intense and chaotic, the people had been sent out previously to secure the areas of the planet greeting us eagerly. But the most intense part was the look on Paul's face when he saw me approach the group. It seemed i had interrupted the moment he was experiencing, as he gave a friend a big hug before letting go and seeming to remember i was beside him. The sudden switch from joy to seriousness caused the smile on his face to fade away instantly.

Paul's father, Paul and his friend talked, though they almost had to yell from the strong wind and noise happening everywhere.

The conversations between Leto Atreides, Paul, and Paul's friend were deafening as the wind and noise overwhelmed the scene. The harsh wind blasted in from everywhere, causing much difficulty in hearing and communicating. The conversations carried on nonetheless, Paul's father's booming voice being heard over the din of the wind.

soon we were directed to a small ship and we boarded it, it was small, and there was not much room. There were 6 of us, two pilots, Paul's friend and father and me, and only 4 seats, Paul's friend took the seat next to me and Paul's father stood next to Paul's friend, while Paul stood next to me. It was a small ship so we were all extremely close. It was an uncomfortable situation for the both of us, but Paul remained stoic and silent throughout the entire trip, despite the close proximity.

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