part 5:

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The morning after the events of the previous night, breakfast was a quiet affair as everyone refrained from addressing the events of the day before. I found yourself feeling tired after being up for the entire night attempting to repair my dress, which took away much of my energy. I saw that Paul was barely touching his breakfast, and he looked just as tired as me. I was wondering if he was in the same frame of mind as me, in that he had also been unable to sleep that night.

The breakfast time was ending, and the
silence that was present between me and Paul remained unbroken. I felt the weight of the silence between the two of us, but neither of us was making an attempt to break it. It was as if we both were holding back due to the awkwardness of having spent so much time around each other, yet lacking an actual relationship.

the day was mostly boring meetings and trying to figure out what to do with the machine that was destroyed by the sand worm. Tho I rarely looked at Paul in any of the meetings, every once and a while I did and saw how bored he was with the conversations the meeting had. He didn't seem to want to spend anymore time and hearing comments about his actions the other day from his father. I honestly felt bad for Paul for what he was going through, with the dreams and the disappointment of his father. I now understood why Paul was so angry at me the other night for leaving dinner in such a manner.

Although i still had no plans on showing love and care to Paul on the outside, i did begin to understand his actions, especially the reasons behind his anger at me for me coming.

paul and I went to some places by ourselves as Paul was told by his father he needed too. Paul had the mission of getting things for his father, and to reprove his responsibility, i didn't follow very close for I didn't want to make Paul angry, of the reminder of my face would bring him back to remember he had more and more responsibilities to take care of.

As the sun finally began to set, the night had fallen, bringing a feeling of coolness all around the desert. Walking out in the desert was rather annoying for both of us as you had to walk in a slow and specific way, to avoid creating any particular rhythm that the sandworms could detect. We were about two minutes away from reaching the small town, and the anticipation of the end of the ordeal was starting to build up in both of us.

The last remaining two minutes seemed to drag on, and the sight of the small town in the distance became my only source of comfort and solace to push through the end of the walk.

after getting to the small town, I decided to take a break at the entrance of the town and took a seat, and let Paul continue, tho I did not tell him I was going to take a break, for I thought after he was done we would just meet up at the entrance of where I was sitting

I hoped that Paul would be fine with the unexpected detour that i took, as i was tired from the long and tiring walk through the desert. The break was nice, and the opportunity to finally relax without worrying about the sandworms was definitely a relieving feeling. U sat at the entrance of the town, not expecting any trouble or problems from Paul when he returned back to where you were currently sitting.

As i took that short breather, i felt my eyes slowly become heavy and my entire body began to feel more and more relaxed. However, i didn't expect to stay in that state for too long, as i quickly opened my eyes when I heard Paul clear his throat, being startled by Paul standing above me with an angry look in his face. I sat up quickly, expecting to be lambasted for this sudden and unexpected break in our schedule, and were prepared to listen to Paul's words.

to my surprise Paul didn't say anything and walked out in the desert. I see how this was going. The silent treatment.

As i expected Paul to respond in an angry manner to my sudden detour, but all he did was leave my position and walk out into the desert without so much as a word. Knowing that this was another one of Paul's tactics, where he chose to give someone the silent treatment, i quickly followed him. I attempted to go as fast as possible given the rhythm i had maintained prior to taking the detour, in an effort to catch up to him and figure out the reason behind this sudden switch in behavior.

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