Part 4:

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after I was done getting ready for the day, I had picked out a maroon red dress and I left my hair down to flow. I opened my door to the surprise to see Paul standing at my door waiting for me. There were no words exchanged when we walked to the meeting room. After there I took a seat in the corner and just listened to the people talk, and now and then Paul. Paul was the center of attention for many of the discussions, and i watched him carefully from afar, waiting to see if he performed his duties as expected from a future Duke of a noble House.

after hours of me trying not to fall asleep from the boringness of the meeting. The meeting was finally over and I took a place near Paul but not too close, he was finishing up with a conversation with some others. After the talk he turned to face me. But then again no words were exchanged. We walked out of the room. I was wondering what we will be doing for the day for I was only told there will be one meeting today.

Although i knew there wouldn't be any more formal meetings this day, i was unsure of what he had in store for the two of us and his lack of communication was adding to the anxiety. The two of us proceeded to walk together in silence, without speaking a single word to one another while i awaited his plan for the day.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, Paul finally broke the quiet between the two of us, deciding to address the situation. He informed me that there were no more meetings today and that he had something else planned for us both to do. I found this to be a slight relief as the quiet was starting to become unbearable with the unknown of what was planned. I followed him as he led the way to where the actual plans were going to be laid out.

we walked some and finally got to a big room with ships and a bunch of people working and doing their duties as told. We walked up to some people by a ship and Paul's father and his friend were there as well. I heard them say they were going out into the desert to collect spice. Knowing that Paul had to go with them, so did I, which made me a bit excited to get out of the dark building and see some new scenery. A lady walked up to us and gave us some clothing which was quite tough and very gray. She told us the suits will protect us from the harsh sun. And the tubes will provide water for us.

we all had some time to get ready, and the suits on. Which I will not lie, they were hard to get in but I believe I had done it right and went back out to the group. Once I saw Paul in the suit my heart skipped a beat for he did look a bit attractive in the suit. But I pushed the feeling back for I didn't want to get attracted to Paul for we both had duties and I didn't want to get in trouble.

Once I got to the group I waited for new instructions, but I was told by the lady my suit needed fixed for it wasn't on right. She would have gone to help me fix it but she was already busy with someone else.

Which was fine to wait for her, but Paul had volunteered to help me. I had an odd feeling about that, but he got the go ahead from the lady to help me, As he cautiously approached me, he showed some uncertainty in taking the initiative to assist me, possibly not wanting to invade personal space or cause offense. However, he stepped forward once given the permission and touched my shoulders, causing a shiver to run along my spine. The feeling was unfamiliar and a bit unsettling, but i pushed on past the sensation and allowed him to continue helping with my suit.

Once Paul had finished assisting me and my suit was properly adjusted, we both returned to the group. I could not help but notice Paul's appearance as one of attraction and admiration, the suit bringing out the best features of his face. He was much more handsome than before in this attire, and my heart fluttered with the sight of him.

I put my hair up in a messy style which let the loose strands of my hair fall in my face.

The hair up style in front of my face was not only stylish but also practical in terms of the environment i was in, as the loose strands of my hair protected my face from the heat and glare of the sun. As i inserted the strange tube into my nose, i quickly adjusted to the feeling, not allowing the strange sensation to distract me from my primary goal of surviving the desert and collecting spice with the group.

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