Chapter 3

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When Louis woke up he looked to his side to see that Liam hadn't returned. Louis was confused. Yeah Liam was mad at him but not so mad that he immediately had to ignore Louis right?

Louis sighted it was embarrassing how bad Louis was at making friends. How could he explain to his father, after begging him for years to let him attend a school, that he was just too stupid to make friends.

Maybe it would've been better to stay at home. Louis knew that was a lie, at home Louis was constantly reminded of-
No Today was a good day! He couldn't go back to that time. He was going to try better. He is going to be better! He would make his father proud.

Louis went to take hot shower while he tried to gather his thoughts. He used his strawberry body lotion to calm him down. His father would always be mad at Louis when he used the body lotion but it reminded Louis of his mother because she had always used it.

When he stepped out of the shower he quickly got dressed in dress pants and a shirt. They only had to wear fancy clothes on special days wich shocked Louis but he wore anyway. He knew it was what his father wanted.

His hair wasn't styled and still a bit wet but louis had to hurry otherwise he would be late for breakfast.

When Louis finally had found the dining hall he knew something had to be wrong. No one was there.

Louis quickly checked his phone, nothing. Where was everyone? It was 7:40am and breakfast usually start at 7:30am, so Louis was extremely confused.

Then he heard voices behind him and he quickly turned around to find out who they belonged to. To his surprise he saw the Nick guy and someone he didn't know.

Louis didn't want to talk to them but he didn't really have a choice.

"Hey! Do you guys know where everyone is?" Louis asked. Silence. They completely ignored him.

Louis just braced himself to ask again when he saw Mr Corden who just entered the dining hall.

"There you are. Why did you think you could skip the school trip? Did you think we wouldn't notice?" Mr Corden asks sternly.

A school trip? Louis knew nothing from a school trip. He checked he emails though and none of them said something from a school trip. This had to be a joke! But what if it wasn't? Did he overlook it? Wow well done Louis though he really couldn't do anything right.

"No! I didn't even know there was a school trip! I wouldn't even think about skipping a school trip." Louis explained hurriedly.

"Save your excuses! You three have detention. Considering this school year didn't even start, you'll clean the kitchen that is still a mess from today's breakfast." Mr Corden explained before he turned to Louis. "Louis before you start you're expected in mr Cowell's office.

What? Why would mr Cowell only want Louis to come to his office? Did his father call? Did mr Cowell call Louis' father?

When Louis knocked at the big door to the headmaster's office realised it was already open.

"Come in Louis." Mr Cowell called. When Louis looked to his right he saw his father.

Louis began to shake why was he here. Why could he come to me and punish him for everything he did and still never attend any of the girls birthdays? What would he do. Louis was scared but he couldn't show weakness! Not in front of his father. He had to be strong! What would his father do this time?

"Simon could Louis and I have a bit of privacy?" His father asks smiling at mr Cowell but Louis could see that the smile his father was giving was fake.

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